26, getting BACK into fitness looking for friends/support!

Hello All,

I am new to MFP, but not new to fitness. While I was in college, I loved a very healthy and active lifestyle and reached many of my weight and fitness goals. Unfortunately, post graduation hit me hard. I started working a professional job, moved out of my parents house/dorms, and found myself struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I recently had my “Oh My God” moment when I stepped on the scale at my doctors office and weighed in at 191 (I am 5’1”). With the help of family and friends and an amazing boyfriend, I have decided to make the commitment to a healthy lifestyle once again!

Some GREAT things I have to help me:
Previous knowledge of fitness and nutrition
Amazingly supportive family and friends
An amazing boyfriend (and part time personal trainer)

Some things that hold me back:
A stressful, demanding job with long hours
A work office setting that is mostly sitting where there is ALWAYS food around
A hate for exercise (I am lame, I know!)

After being serous about things for the past few weeks, I have gone from 191 to 175 (YAY!) and have started working out several days a week. I am trying to get up super early and go to the gym before work. I have been a bit tired through the day, but it is getting better. I have also added weights for the first time, and am really enjoying it, and seeing results!

Highest Weight 191
Current Weight 175
Goal Weight 140 (for now…we will look at a life time goal when I get to 140).
Height 5’1”

I live in the Pasadena, CA area and would love friends/support locally or far away!


  • kikibyrd
    I'm 27 and need to lose some lbs. as well, though I'm on the east coast. I also am not super into fitness! I've been trying to start back slow with yoga.
  • 23dragon
    Good for you, making a change and getting results! I have tried and gave up several times and am back on currently and hoping to stay on. Sounds like we have mostly the same hold backs, but I just try to stay in the frame of mind that I HAVE to make the change. Keep up the good work.
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    Hi there! I'm 26 as well and can relate to a lot of what you're saying.... I am 5'1 as well, highest weight of 250, current weight of 140 with another 10ish (maybe?) pounds to lose. I have a really supportive husband and family/friends who are more or less indifferent.

    I've been through college, am married, am working on a second degree and work a lot and can completely relate to being super busy and getting fit at the same time. I have a lot of fitness/nutrition knowledge and LOVE to exercise and would be happy to help and support along the way!

    Good luck to you, feel free to add!
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you like. I'm 27 and I live not far from you. I'm down in San Clemente.
  • cinner506
    Your doing great! You didnt gain the weight overnight, now you on the way to be the brand new you, I started at 192lbs! At 5'2,
    I almost cried when i saw that weight, i was omg! Im at the weight I was when I was pregnant! (and My daughter is now 13) I am now 153.2! It's been a long process! Add me if you like!
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    Sounds like we have a lot in common! I'm 26 and getting back into fitness after being a kind of geeky jock in college.
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey everyone, Im 22 and a working college student. I have tried to lose weight a million times but this is the farthest I have even gotten and the most dedicated I can ever been. I am always open to having more support and love to support others as I feel it keeps me on track. Anyone is welcome to add me =)