just another plateau issue...

so i'm 5'8 and currently 177lbs
i started on MFP back at the end of June and i weighed 200 lbs on the dot.
obviously put my goals as losing 2lbs per week, and started to incorporate exercise (running) and eating 1200 calories per day!
everything was going perfectly, i was steadily losing 2lbs a week and it always evened out right around there
but as soon as i hit a total of 20lbs lost, i hit an extreme plateau....

it's been about 5-6 weeks now, and first i figured it was because my body had gotten used to only running constantly so now i've been doing the 30 DS for 2-3 weeks but my weight still is stuck at 177-178...

also it was becoming hard for me to eat only 1200 calories a day because i could tell i was gaining muscle and working out more so i figured since switching up the exercise routine didn't seem to be helping break the plateau, i figured maybe i needed to up my calories. so changed my goals to lose 1lb per week because i'm within 20-30lbs of my goal, and now i've been eating around 1700 calories along with 30 DS, BUT I AM STILL NOT BREAKING THIS PLATEAU.
(it seems like this whole plateau started as soon as i started feeling restricted all the time only eating 1200 calories)

and i'm really frustrated :( idk what to do anymore....just wait it out i guess?? it seems like it's never going to change....


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hmm.. I am guess you still need to eat more. I eat between 1500-1900 and I'm way shorter and weigh quite a bit less too.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I suggest eating enough to sustain yourself.

    The calories really need to count. Try "cleaning up" your meals and so how that goes. Just don't give up!

    After sustaining for about a month, decrease your intake by about 250-300 cals

    Make sure you're getting a good balance of carbs, protein & fat along with healthy sources of vitamins and such
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    eat alot tomorrow (1400-1500) then eat little the next day (800-1000) then the third day go back to your normal routein :) if you stick with the same routein all the time your body gets used to it so every once in a while you have to switch it up.
  • I know exactly how you feel and even hit a plateau under the same circumstances (starting to work out more frequenty and such). To get over the hump i re-adjusted my habits to shock my body a little. I began a crossfit regimine to incorporate cardio in with my lifts and have seen improvements on the scale and in the gym. Also, I completely removed bread from my diet. Lean meats, fruits, salads, occasional Clif bar. I tried new fruits as well to keep it interesting, cranberry tuna salad, grilled zucchini, etc.

    Don't get overwhelmed. Sometimes a plateau is your bodies way of saying let's spice things up.

    Hope any of this helped! If you want to talk more just add me.
  • austi_t
    austi_t Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys!!! I will try them out and see if it helps :)
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm with you. I've been stuck at my same weight for 4 weeks now. My weigh in is tomorrow so I will see if my changes have helped. I've added about 300 calories per day (to my original 1200) and started heavy lifting and slightly decreased cardio. I went from 60 minutes per day to 45. I'm hoping it was enough to shock my body. I'm so close, but I've worked so hard for this last little bit to come off. Good luck to you!