Goal setting because i want new lingerie, damnit! Hbu?

I'm trying some self shaping techniques I'm learning about in my education classes. Basically, set a goal, and set specific tiered rewards. Let's give it a try, because I want to buy some fun lingerie.

Self-Shaping #2: Logging Everything

Goal: To log all intake before the day is over for ten days in a row, and to weigh in daily as well.

Reward: Each day I log everything, I get 2 dollars towards new purchase. Each day I log some things, I neither gain nor lose money. Each day I don't log at all, I donate two dollars to Todd Akin. (If you don't know, Todd Akin is a representiive in Missouri, my state, who is just the opposite of everything that is good in the world.)

What kind of self-shaping goals do you have already, or what would you like to start?