What foods have suprised you during your weight loss

woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
Hiya all

I have recently dicovered brown rice and love it!! actually prefer it to white and I am loving wholegrain bread and lunch slices , also something really odd that I have become addicted to are veggie shakes basically every morning I blend up some vegies with some water and juice and off i go

It got me thinking what heathy foods meals or snacks have you discovered that you once thought of as untouchable and yuck and now really like/love

For me giving up white rice and actually likeing brown was something I never thought would happen as soo many people told me how gross it was and I just assumed it to be awful a bit like brussel sprouts which i have discovered are actually not all that bad


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    It really surprised me that a sandwich made on whole wheat or multigrain bread is actually less calories than all the same stuff on a 12" wrap. I thought I was doing good getting the wraps only to find out it's like 100 more calories!