Embarrassing...pulled a muscle in my BUM CRACK

How is this even possible?!

I first noticed it after a particularly vigorous spin class - the (unpadded) seat was RIGHT up there and it was painful on my right side. The pain became worse in the next couple of days. I went to the doctor because I went mad and was convinced I had 2 weeks to live because OF COURSE I must have cancer or something horrendous. She said it was just a pulled muscle and to go away. The pain eventually subsided over the course of a week. This was back in May or something.

I recently went overseas for 1 month and didn't work out the whole time, came back and smashed the gym 5 days in a row. These are the workouts I did:

Day 1: lower body strength (just on the gym machines, nothing too cray) + low impact cardio 60mins
Day 2: upper body strength + low impact cardio 60mins
Day 3: 1hr aerobics class
Day 4: HIIT 15 mins
Day 5: lower body strength (pretty hectic) + low impact cardio 90mins

On day 4 my bum crack started to hurt again and after day 5 it was excruciating!! (Shouldn't have done anything day 5, I know :( )
It is now three days after my last workout and even though its gotten better it still really hurts and it's hard to sit down! The muscle is hard to touch and when it first happened it had a lot of heat.

Does anyone know why the exact same muscle had pulled in the same position months apart? How long would it take a muscle like that to properly heal? And what exercise did I do that pulled it in the first place? Whe will it be safe to work out again without running the risk of damaging it more?

Oh Law of ALL places!! Mortifying!!


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You need a massage. This can help for any muscle that feels hard.

    *raises hand*
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    You sure its not yer tailbone?

    I fell on my bum when rollerblading and bruised mine a few months ago, it took aaaages before it stopped hurting to sit!

    Hope your bum feels better soon!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Gluteus maximus muscle I think? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluteus_maximus_muscle
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Derleene! I think I done busted ma stink bone
  • kvhmc
    kvhmc Posts: 33 Member
    'Pulling' a muscle means you've injured a particular muscle or tendon. The pain is there for a reason - to make you realise it's damaged and not to over work it so that it can heal. The heat is there due to inflammation which happens whenever the body is injured. The reason it's the same muscle? I'll attempt an analogy; if you broke a blank of wood then stuck it back together, would you expect it to be as strong if you used it again? The muscle needs plenty of time to heal and you have to start working back up to whatever exercise you were doing before, start with gentle movement/lighter weight in strength training aaand make sure you do a good stretch afterwards! Hope that helps :)
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I'd check it's not your tailbone.
    I've taken a few good falls at derby and the worst I've done is bruised it but you can break it very easily. Bruising still hurts like a b*tch. It felt like I needed to poop for 3 days at the very least and just hurt all the time. If you've cracked the end and it hasn't healed properly it's possible to irritate it more later.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Sounds like you got it while cycling... either take it easy while you EASE back into exercise or see if avoiding cycling at first does the trick. If its slight, maybe you can just figure out a different angle to cycle or Change the seat... or find another cardio method.
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member
    Yeah definately sounds like you pulled it while doing your cycling

    It also sounds like you didnt really give it alot of time to heal, a pulled muscle
    can take anything from a week to six months or more to heal

    Hope you feel better soon but think the advice of the others saying not to over do
    things is the way to go

    Take care
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    it would take a lot to pull your gluteus maximus. i have never heard of a pulled muscle that originates in your bum crack. try another doctor??
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You have probably bruised your coccyx (tailbone) which can be incredibly painful. I cracked mine when I fell off my home exercise bike and landed on the arm of the sofa (moral - tighten the saddle before starting) and it took years to heal. Get a padded gel seat cover if you want to do any more spinning. I saw a chiropractor in the end - ignore the mumbo jumbo, make the most of the careful spinal alignment.
  • janakcarlson
    Thanks for the responses!!

    I read the article on the fractured tailbone... I don't THINK it's that as I haven't fallen and the pain only seems to be on the right side. Also the doctor FELT it (horrific) and she said it was muscle.

    I looked at the gluteus maximus page... I just don't know. It's definitely in that area. But it is literally just to the right of the bottom of the crack, painful and hard for about 2 inches or so.

    And yeah, my doctor is the worst! It's just so personal!!

    Hopefully it'll just stop hurting and then I can take exercise cautiously. I just don't see why it'd act up after it healed nearly 5 months ago when I didn't even do a spin or work my butt that hard. Boooooooo.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You sure its not yer tailbone?

    I fell on my bum when rollerblading and bruised mine a few months ago, it took aaaages before it stopped hurting to sit!

    Hope your bum feels better soon!

    Ah, I've done similar while "grinding" a handrail. Landed on the rail on my coccyx. Hurts worse than childbirth. *runs* :bigsmile:
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    You sure its not yer tailbone?

    I fell on my bum when rollerblading and bruised mine a few months ago, it took aaaages before it stopped hurting to sit!

    Hope your bum feels better soon!

    Ah, I've done similar while "grinding" a handrail. Landed on the rail on my coccyx. Hurts worse than childbirth. *runs* :bigsmile:

    I wouldnt know about childbirth (or spawning as i like to call it) but that sounds pretty painfull!
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Derleene! I think I done busted ma stink bone

    ^^^^ has made my day.....hi-bloody-arious!!!!