Just knowing your foods!!!!

HI all.... Everyday that passes I love this site mre and more... I just cant believe the calories is some foods I was eating and a lot of thinking it was better for me....

Before joining up here at night if I was hungry I would have a youghurt with some fruit (melons, berries etc) although since begining on here I have come to realise the high calorie and more importantly the high carb content !!!!! I was better off having 2 pieces of toast with butter.... I know understand why instead of losing weight I was actually gaining.

I half been following the recommenations on this site for 5 days now and on weigh in today I have lost 2.2 kg (4.9pounds). while I thought I was eating healthy, low cal and low carbs I wasnt at all.... I had actually increased my carb intake dramatically while following my own knowledge!!!

Thanks again MFP.... I will be recommending you to all my faily and friends!!!!


  • jennanassy
    And VERY important to weight foods too. I was amazed at some of the portions I thought were normal...were actually too big. As well...I was undercutting some portions too.
  • msladyface
    Portion size is huge! We went out and bought a scale and measure EVERYTHING now. It's amazing how much we were eating! Glad you're seeing progress! Keep up the good work.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Sounds like you're learning some good lessons! Just remember - you don't want to judge the food just based on how many carbs they have in them. Some carbs are better than others - try to get most of your carbs from veggies, fruits (in moderation due to high sugar content) and whole grains. Some breads might have lower carbs than fruits/yogurt, but if it's a highly processed bread that's not whole grain and/or has a lot of sugar and additives in it, you'd probably actually be better off with the fruit & yogurt (which also has protein!). Quality AND Quanitity are important. :smile:
  • MagzGraz
    Yes, yes, yes to all of the replies above I am learning all this slowly.... I thought I knew a lot about good health and eating healthy but I know nothing at all campared to all the info out there.... thanks for the replies I see this as great support and it only motivates me more.