What's your favorite diet soda?

taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
Cherry coke zero for me....


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Diet cherry coke! Yum!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Dite caffiene-free Coke or Pepsi.
  • dougieswallow
    Pepsi Max its great :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I like a few different ones. Lately it's been bottled diet AnW root beer.

    But seriously this is a health site and diet soda will obviously cause cancer at any dose so I'm not sure why we are discussing non-natural things.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I've always loved diet coke. It's the only fizzy pop I've ever drank. Cant stand any others - they're all too sweet and leave a nasty feeling on my teeth. xx
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I like a few different ones. Lately it's been bottled diet AnW root beer.

    But seriously this is a health site and diet soda will obviously cause cancer at any dose so I'm not sure why we are discussing non-natural things.

    Because few producers are making diet drinks using Stevia, the one natural calorie free sweetener. The only one I know if is Sobe.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    There should be no diet soda at all. It acually tricks you body into thinking it's hungry due to the actual sugar in it. Green iced tea or water with lemon are great alternatives. I drink no pop at all.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Diet 7-up with a splash of vodka
  • lhypes08
    Diet Dr Pepper
  • moonlitrose25
    moonlitrose25 Posts: 56 Member
    Coke Zero!!!! I'm addicted!!!! I've had to restrict myself to weekends only!
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Even though I don't drink it very often- Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper... If I keep it in the house it will be the only thing I drink until it's gone.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Rola Cola
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    Dr. Pepper! Hands down!
  • CazLovesCalories
    CazLovesCalories Posts: 144 Member
    7up free :)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Coke Zero- I have one a day

    Even if it is seeping into a brain and shrinking my muscles, and making me grow hair on my chest.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I drank a diet soda last week and even though I thought I hit my calories and macros, I actually ate in a 8k calorie surpuls for the week. Turns out the soda tricked me.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    Diet Sundrop or Cherry Coke Zero
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    There should be no diet soda at all. It acually tricks you body into thinking it's hungry due to the actual sugar in it. Green iced tea or water with lemon are great alternatives. I drink no pop at all.

    What about those of us that have no problems with it causing hunger? Even if it did, some of us have no problem with getting a snack and staying under our calorie goal.

    By the way, there is no actual sugar in it. Thus, the diet part of the label.
  • Sprmc47
    Sprmc47 Posts: 82 Member
    Diet Coke with Lime!!!