Hope this works!

Hi all
I'm new here. Started on Sunday and have had a great week. I feel a little compulsive and am not sure if I should worry if I'm under calories some days. I try to eat if I ever feel like my blood sugar is actually dropping so am snacking throughout the day despite staying around 1200 calories.
I'm also a little worried with the long weekend coming up. I told friends I would go out to dinner each of the three nights and I haven't eaten out since starting.
Would love to hear people's insights and experiences.
Happy long weekend everyone!


  • mbrownks77
    Welcome! I've only been her a few weeks myself and really love it so far. My best advice is to not order anything fried. And if it looks like a way too full plate, immediately ask for a to go box and put half of it in for the next day. Hope this helps a litlle and good luck!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I always ask for any sauces or dressing on the side, and I ask how things are cooked BEFORE I order. If you know where you will be going check the restaurants on-line site for nutrition information.
    Don't be afraid to ask questions or request special treatment in how your food is prepared. You are on a mission to protect your own health and you are worth it!!
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Welcome. I too am fairly new to the site. My best advice is order salads with grilled chicken and dressing on the side. Or grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables. Best of luck.
  • Rainster
    Glad to hear your first week has been good!
    As for your concern about restaurant food... It's a reasonable one, for sure. Most restaurant entrees are twice the size of what a recommended serving would be, so getting a to-go box right off the bat is a good idea. If you have a calorie book, bring it along: it'll give you a good idea of exactly what you're eating (or potentially going to be eating). And really, don't be afraid to ask the staff how things are prepared and see if they can make you a custom meal. The safest thing to order would be grilled chicken breast with a side of veggies (something just about any restaurant could rig up), but I personally think that the point of going out is to eat something you wouldn't make yourself. So maybe pick one of the three nights to splurge a little, and order safe the other two nights.
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    Thank all!
    Hopefully I'll make good choices. One of the nights is at a vegan restaurant and I feel like everyone thinks that means healthy but I fear they use a lot of grease and frying to try and make it taste better :-/

    Also is there a good way for estimating the calories at restaurants for the food blog?

    I think I might go work out to earn myself a few extra calories to play with.