FIVE famous people ( alive or dead ) who changed your world

holographic Posts: 78
edited January 1 in Chit-Chat
Well the header say's it all..

Here's mine :
Mark Twain / Laozi / Spike Milligan / Immanuel Kant / John Locke


  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Your brain definitely works too fast!! I can't think of famous people, let alone five who have changed my world........
    Here goes, in no particular order, Charles Darwin ( I loved studying biology as a school girl)
    Margaret Thatcher, regardless of your politics, she was an amazing woman.
    Steve Jobs RIP I love my iPhone!!
    Charles and Alli trippy (famous on youtube)

    Nope sorry, that's taken quite long enough, four will have to do.
    And by the way, I'm not into philosophers and how famous are they if I have to Google them?? Lol!!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    No famous person has changed my world, I can name five not famous people that have changed my world.

    On that note, I'd let Julian McMahon change my world :wink:
  • Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Charles Darwin, and Betty White ;)
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Reagan, and Obama
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    Jack Burton, Tony Horton, Payne Stewart, Thomas Edison, The shark from Jaws .. (I won't go in the ocean because of that a-hole!)
  • Oh man, let's see...

    T.S. Eliot, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jimi Hendrix, Henry David Thoreau, and Claude Debussy. I'm actually kind of proud of myself for thinking of a couple that are not musicians or composers :)
  • FAMOUS people? Oh gosh, I have more than five lol. Oscar Wilde, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King, Gandhi (these due to highly inspirational and admirable reasons). Marilyn Monroe (cliche, I know), Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Gene Tierney, Marlon Brando, and last but definitely not least, River Phoenix. Blah, okay I have two more. William Butler Yeats and James Dean.
  • Gary Snyder! If anyone here is a fan of his poetry, but hasn't read any of his essays, do so immediately! They have so helped shape my views on the world and my place in it.

    The Beatles! I listened to them like crazy when I was a kid. Not as much in recent years, in part because I don't make enough time to just listen to music, but they definitely influenced me growing up.

    Amy Poehler! Enough said.

    I was trying to think up some more, but I can't think right now, and there's 4 Beatles, so good enough.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    What constitutes "famous"? A number of people fit that description in my mind, but may not be known to anyone else.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Michael Shermer, James Randi
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    The "dude" AKA the big lebowski

    The Duke AKA John Wayne

    The Babe AKA Bambino

    blood and guts AKA George Patton

    the apple eater AKA Eve
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, Martin Luther King, Gene Roddenberry, Jim Henson, Robert Blake.
  • jvac9397
    jvac9397 Posts: 25 Member
    Oprah Winfrey, Derek Jeter, Nicholas Sparks, Michael Landon, Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Steve Jobs
    Jesus Christ
    John Lennon
    Melody Beattie
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    hard to pick just 5 but here are the first that came to my mind. 1. Jesus 2. Einstein 3. Abe Lincoln 4. Jackie Robinson 5. Oscar Schindler (I hope I spelt his name correctly, if not I'm sorry).
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