Need advice. Am I doing something wrong?



  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member

    I have been eating more as everyone suggested and I weighed myself this morning only to find that I gained all of the weight back. I gained back the 2 lbs that I lost when I was eating 100 -200 calories less. This is really discouraging.

    Hi, unless you ate 7000 excess calories in that time, the extra weight IS NOT fat, likely water weight. Don't panic.

    And what others have said - it's harder the less you have to lose, I'm on my last 10 pounds and it's TOUGH!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Are you sure that it really is set at 1 lb a week? My goal is also 1200 calories, but I think that it only said I would lose 0.6 lbs a week on that. If you go to "My Home" and then click on "goals" it tells you exactly what you're set to lose. Even if you click on 1 lb a week at the beginning, it might not ultimately give you that if you're a low weight already. Losing 0.6 lbs in a week sounds fine to me when you're already starting at 125 which is pretty low.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    oops, just noticed that this thread is 3 months old. nevermind.