Pregnancy and fitness

Having a hard time staying positive during pregnancy about pregnancy, fitness, health and body. Any suggestions?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Focus on pregnancy. Proper nutrition is absolutely vital. Its okay to delay your goals a few months while pregnant. You'll have plenty of time to not eat and be stressed the years after the wee tike is born. :P

    All in all, baby is always more important than a few extra pounds. ALWAYS.
  • babycampy
    It's not bad weight I'm worried about, it's overall wellness and staying fit through this...and feeling good too. Extra baby makes the body hurt more, limits my food intake and depletes energy...
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    <-- another prego lady here!

    It's hard, but I find being active and eating well a huge help to stave off the lethargy, back discomfort, and bloating from pregnancy. It's important to manage your weight gain as well to prevent gestational diabetes and other weight-related complications later.

    What I've done sofar has just been try to maintain for the first trimester, +1/2 lb per week for the second, and +1 in the third. I've managed to stay active though I had to change my fitness routine quite a bit along the way (more walking instead of running and weight training).

    Focus on eating good quality foods, getting enough calcium and iron, and controlling your salt intake. I promise it helps a lot.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Vitamins will be your friend if you are having trouble getting enough nutrition.

    And you can still exercise all you want, simply choose ones that have no chance of causing accidents that may harm the child.