Bi-Polar when it comes to GOALS?



  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    why does it have to be one thing or another?

    Balancing out cardio with strength training is a good way to go... it doesn't mean you stop cardio, and it doesn't have to mean you just bulk up. I think most people's results are more gradual.

    I know for me it started with the doctor telling me I needed to make some changes or I would end up with diabetes. Also I had bad reflux that was causing me sore throats for several years. So it was definitely "worth it" for me.

    I was slow to embrace the weights - and regular strength training - I liked to ride my bike, play tennis and do things that were "fun"

    But I have to say the mix of the cardio and strength training are showing me profoundly greater results than just cardio.

    Also if you set your goal to lose .5 pounds per week your calorie limit is not nearly as restrictive - that is what I am doing and it is working for me.

    Other thing you can focus on is what you should be eating rather than what you shouldn't. Example: Men are recommended to get 38grams of fiber per day... drink 8 glasses of water a day and I was told to try to have plenty of protein and fiber. It actually takes some focus to get all that fiber (veggies, fruit, lentils etc..) and that way you are not looking at it as much as about "depriving" yourself.

    Good luck - my take is that being human is being of split minds - it's one of the things that makes us interesting, and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It doesn't mean we can't make forward movement towards our health (I will try to remember I said that!)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Having been scrawny most of my life, it's always been a dream to be big, like Arnold big! But my genetics won't allow me to get that large. At times I'm happy with my size, other times I'm like screw it, I'm gonna juice and get huge! After gaining almost 30 lbs of mostly muscle, I know I should be happy with my gains, but deep down inside, there's a part of me that wants to be bigger and stronger.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm with you. I am a total cardio junkie. I love my cardio and probably do more than I should. I know I should start lifting, but I just don't want to give up the cardio I enjoy.

    Then try cardio exercises with strength training exercises. Planet fitness has a good circuit and if you utelise the stair stepper, it's beneficial.

    stuff like burpees are also an example of weight bearing cardio.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Having been scrawny most of my life, it's always been a dream to be big, like Arnold big! But my genetics won't allow me to get that large. At times I'm happy with my size, other times I'm like screw it, I'm gonna juice and get huge! After gaining almost 30 lbs of mostly muscle, I know I should be happy with my gains, but deep down inside, there's a part of me that wants to be bigger and stronger.

    You're perfect my love and you're always making progress --I think whatever you decide to do in terms of strength and mass you CAN do and no juice is needed.Okay, Arnold size--that's a bit much--but you can be the best YOU and that's what matters. All natural is the way to go babe. That way no one can minimize your accomplishments. You've earned your amazing body! So proud of you.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I don't have that feeling, and it doesn't sound too much like bipolar either.

    okay. really nice input.

    Yes I feel torn a lot with my goals. I also don't have enough patience to stick with anything too long. :)
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    YES! I am definitely a cardio junkie as well because I absolutely love to run. But I have been singing the same ol' tune for months. I wanted to build muscle and stop focusing on my weight and eat at maintenance or above. But every time I would get on the scale and the number went up I had a total mental block and just couldn't fathom eating more to gain muscle because of the increasing number on the scale. I finally ditched the scale (thanks to the OP) and have been listening to my body to reach my goals. I've been lifting more, doing more resistance and strength training, and relying on the mirror to track my progress. So far, so good!

    You are adorable! Sorry if you don't like that word but it's true!
  • fitblondebaker22
    YES! I am definitely a cardio junkie as well because I absolutely love to run. But I have been singing the same ol' tune for months. I wanted to build muscle and stop focusing on my weight and eat at maintenance or above. But every time I would get on the scale and the number went up I had a total mental block and just couldn't fathom eating more to gain muscle because of the increasing number on the scale. I finally ditched the scale (thanks to the OP) and have been listening to my body to reach my goals. I've been lifting more, doing more resistance and strength training, and relying on the mirror to track my progress. So far, so good!

    You are adorable! Sorry if you don't like that word but it's true!

    Lol why thank you :)
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Grrrrrrr. You apologized for the stgmatzing and ignorant use of the word bipolar but I really wish people would be 1) accurate and 2) a bit more polite.

    You mean "contradictory" which "bipolar" doesn't convey. And you wouldn't refer to post exercise exhaustion as "all cancerish tired" or "exhausted like an AIDS patient"

    Please have some compassion for folks affected by debilitating illnesses that are hard enough without the stigma added on top.

    But thank you for editing the OP to acknowledge your insensitivity.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Grrrrrrr. You apologized for the stgmatzing and ignorant use of the word bipolar but I really wish people would be 1) accurate and 2) a bit more polite.

    You mean "contradictory" which "bipolar" doesn't convey. And you wouldn't refer to post exercise exhaustion as "all cancerish tired" or "exhausted like an AIDS patient"

    Please have some compassion for folks affected by debilitating illnesses that are hard enough without the stigma added on top.

    But thank you for editing the OP to acknowledge your insensitivity.

    I actually edited it because I said "some example" ...when it should have said "Examples" ....not to reflect my insensitivity. Get a life. Someone is clearly trying to start drama.

    I agree with jets. Bipolar disorder is a debilitating, life long disorder which is not at all characterized by sudden mood changes or changing your mind. It deals with alternating and lengthy periods of depression and mania. It's not something to joke about.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Grrrrrrr. You apologized for the stgmatzing and ignorant use of the word bipolar but I really wish people would be 1) accurate and 2) a bit more polite.

    You mean "contradictory" which "bipolar" doesn't convey. And you wouldn't refer to post exercise exhaustion as "all cancerish tired" or "exhausted like an AIDS patient"

    Please have some compassion for folks affected by debilitating illnesses that are hard enough without the stigma added on top.

    But thank you for editing the OP to acknowledge your insensitivity.

    I actually edited it because I said "some example" ...when it should have said "Examples" ....not to reflect my insensitivity. Get a life. Someone is clearly trying to start drama.

    Oh and please refrain from telling me what I mean to convey. Here's a little lesson on "bi-polar" for you:

    "bipolar |bīˈpōlər|
    having or relating to two poles or extremities : a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclasses."

    Now if you ask me "bipolar" does in fact convey exactly the point I was trying to get across. Please spare us your overly dramatic replies.

    If people are offended by your use of a term that is also a mental illness, telling them to "get a life" (I can't believe people still say that, btw) or accusing them of being dramatic is insensitive.

    We know what you meant, but please think about what you are saying before you say it, because it could be construed as you having zero respect for unwell people.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Grrrrrrr. You apologized for the stgmatzing and ignorant use of the word bipolar but I really wish people would be 1) accurate and 2) a bit more polite.

    You mean "contradictory" which "bipolar" doesn't convey. And you wouldn't refer to post exercise exhaustion as "all cancerish tired" or "exhausted like an AIDS patient"

    Please have some compassion for folks affected by debilitating illnesses that are hard enough without the stigma added on top.

    But thank you for editing the OP to acknowledge your insensitivity.

    I actually edited it because I said "some example" ...when it should have said "Examples" ....not to reflect my insensitivity. Get a life. Someone is clearly trying to start drama.

    Oh and please refrain from telling me what I mean to convey. Here's a little lesson on "bi-polar" for you:

    "bipolar |bīˈpōlər|
    having or relating to two poles or extremities : a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclasses."

    Now if you ask me "bipolar" does in fact convey exactly the point I was trying to get across. Please spare us your overly dramatic replies.

    If people are offended by your use of a term that is also a mental illness, telling them to "get a life" (I can't believe people still say that, btw) or accusing them of being dramatic is insensitive.

    We know what you meant, but please think about what you are saying before you say it, because it could be construed as you having zero respect for unwell people.

    I did think about it before saying it--hence the disclaimer that i wrote PRIOR TO ANYONE EXPRESSING DISAPPROVAL--so I wan't trying to be insensitive. For someone to read the post and respond in that manner KNOWING I was not trying to undermine the significance of the disorder for those actually suffering is just an attempt to start an argument. I don't see why someone would even take it there. Not a single other poster, until her, had said anything of a similar nature.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    She responds twice with emotional hyperbole to the same post. Calls others "dramatic".

    op I apologize for giving you credit for apologizing for the ignorance and insensitivity in your op. I clearly overestimated you. I'd use a different clinical word that describes this thread (rhyme with carted) but an OP yesterday got shut down for using it. I guess ignorant use of "bipolar" is totally ok though. Carry on.
    Grrrrrrr. You apologized for the stgmatzing and ignorant use of the word bipolar but I really wish people would be 1) accurate and 2) a bit more polite.

    You mean "contradictory" which "bipolar" doesn't convey. And you wouldn't refer to post exercise exhaustion as "all cancerish tired" or "exhausted like an AIDS patient"

    Please have some compassion for folks affected by debilitating illnesses that are hard enough without the stigma added on top.

    But thank you for editing the OP to acknowledge your insensitivity.

    I actually edited it because I said "some example" ...when it should have said "Examples" ....not to reflect my insensitivity. Get a life. Someone is clearly trying to start drama.

    Oh and please refrain from telling me what I mean to convey. Here's a little lesson on "bi-polar" for you:

    "bipolar |bīˈpōlər|
    having or relating to two poles or extremities : a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclasses."

    Now if you ask me "bipolar" does in fact convey exactly the point I was trying to get across. Please spare us your overly dramatic replies.

    so you "joking" about mental retardation is now okay--way to go. I guess this thread will soon be locked despite it's relevance for MANY people.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff

    This topic has been locked do to multiple guideline violations including:
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    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.
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