hello- New and VERY pregnant!

chrissypants Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

I am new and in my 30th week of pregnancy. I am starting to record my diet and fitness now. I welcome advice on post-baby exercise and diet! I want to lose a signifigant amount of weight in what has traditionally been a short period of time for my own body metabolism.


  • hey welcome yes i am highly pregnant minus the baby :) good on you i dont know how it works for you re the nutrients that you are going to need but best of luck...I am new too but i am finding it quite enjoyable i always make sure i add my exercise so that i can eat that bit more (some habits are hard to break).
  • yes :) I have never liked to eat AS MUCH as now... I heard that you are only suppose to eat 300 calories a day extra while you are pregnant... okay, whatever!!!!!! I am definately maxing out if that is the case. Oh well, I am just getting used to this while I am pregnant, not really worrying or caring too much as long as the doctors don't tell me I am at risk of being too big. I am planning to really start 'meeting my goals' about a month after I have the baby... My goal is (a small) size 12 by August 2010 and a size 10 by the end of 2010.
  • leggi002
    leggi002 Posts: 28 Member
    Breastfeed! Burns an extra 800 calories a day.
  • Good for you guys!! My daughter is already 1 and 1/2 and i still have a ways to go! i've lost about 40 since baby! However what i was going to say that helped me was... breast feeding however you have to make sure, what you eat is healthy or else your baby isnt going to be getting enough good nutrients! Also I started a biggest loser with my girl friends for fun!! I didnt win but lost about 25 pounds ! I did it for three months bought a good scale and told them that they had to call in their weights weekly but the final weight would be done on my scale to be fair! We all put in 20 bucks but its up to you! Anyway good luck girls!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    congrats on the pregnancy! I am pregnant as well! :-) Here is a thread that a bunch of us preggos go on http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/64762-the-preggo-platform?page=18#posts-1049271 and here's one that some of the girls that were pregnant and had their babies are now on to help support each other in their weight loss journey http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/71467-losing-baby-weight?page=8#posts-1048590.

    i had my daughter 18 months ago and lost all the weight before her first birthday. I had hit 180lbs before i got pregnant with her and was in a very comfortable size 10 (i'm thick from all my years of amateur body building). then I blew up to 250lbs (which had been my highest weight back in 2005) when i was preggo with my daughter. i was VERY lucky and got down to 208lbs before she was 2 weeks old and then i was back down to 190lbs before she was 2 months old (i did turbo jam every day). the last 10lbs were harder to get rid of but they were off before her first birthday.

    this pregnancy has been easier. i got down to 180lbs before i got pregnant again but ended up gaining a little back because of my birthday celebrations and just taking a break from exercise. So i'm 34 weeks pregnant and 228lbs. :-( but i'm sure that i'll be back down to 180 in no time with just eating right and exercising. plus, i'll have 2 kids under 2 to help me shed the weight. :-)

    my favorite workouts are Turbo Jam and ChaLEAN Extreme. Have you heard of them? They have helped me shed all my unwanted weight TWICE! Super good and totally worth it.

    Hope this helps!
  • logansmama
    logansmama Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats! I had my son 6 months ago. I have used this website and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I have lost all of my baby weight plus some. I was a size 12 after having my son and am currently in a 6. I like the 30 Day Shred because it is only a 30 minute workout and is very effective. It is hard to find the time for exercising with a new baby, but they take several 30 minute naps!
  • Hello... first of all congrats on the pregnancy... well, I have had two myself and I found a great way to get back in shape after baby is yoga and walking... I found both very relaxing and helpful after my first child... but make sure you get the ok from the doc first so you know you are ready for exercise... have fun and once again congrats on the little one on the way!!!
  • Oh wow! This is awesome :) So many preggers or post-preggers people who KNOW what I am going through first-hand! I am 30 weeks pregnant now and 206 pounds last week. I was about 175 before my pregnancy so I have gained about 30 pounds and growing (it seems like a lot) lately. I am sure I weigh more this week. I am not used to being/feeling so heavy! It is refreshing to hear that a lot of the weight will come off relatively quickly after birth because it is HARD to be this big. SOOOOOO much work! Thanks for the work-out advice. I am going to check out the 30 Day Shed and I have the PX90 videos... I am hoping to use those to get back in shape once I am ready. I practice yoga already and have continued to take two classes a week through pregnancy, and I continue to go to the gym; doing about 30 mins of elliptical at an average HR of 127, and 20 mins of Treadmill at HR 122 and lift 5 pound weights while on the treadmill working biceps, shoulders (lats and deltoids) and triceps, reps of twenty X 3. I swim too once or twice a week... but more slow movement... not breaking a sweat in any of the above activities.
  • Well, its great to hear that you are staying active during your pregnancy... that will def. help with labour... With my son I didn't work out at all during pregnancy and I worked out up until my 36th week with my daughter and the labour was so much easier to deal with when it was my daughter... also the fact that you have been working out the whole time means that you aren't gaining unneeded weight so you should be able to lose the baby weight super fast... I am heavy now but I reached 240lbs with my daughter and a few weeks later I was down to 200lbs... sadly I gained it all back because of health issues but what can ya do... once again congrats and enjoy this special time in your life
  • Hello! Congrats on the baby! I too am pregnant. I will be 25 weeks on Friday! I gained 43 lbs. with my son and was ten lbs. away from my prepregnancy weight from him when I found out i was pregnant. I have gained 16 lbs. with this one so far and decided it was time to make myself accountable for the foods and calories I eat. I don't want to lose weight obviously, but I want to make healthier choices for the baby. Good luck and Congratulations!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    i was terrified of gaining too much,I was 42 when I found out:noway: I started working out and counting calories at 5 mos.,it helped me to make healthier choices!I built up to an hour a day on the exercise bike 5-6 days ...all of my family told me to cut back,I was going to have a 5 pound baby,I heard it all:laugh: I stopped at 39 weeks,baby was planned c at 40-a perfectly healthy,strong 8 pound little boy! I gained a total of 33 pounds and have just 10 to go pre preg but want to lose 10 on top of that.I am nursing now,adding extra for that,riding the bike and easing back into running ...i need to look into that 30 day shred!Good luck,and God bless your little baby!
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