Leftover baby belly...

I went to a plastic surgeon this week about a place on my neck. After asking if I'd had any major surgeries and answering yes a c-section, he said he'd like to see my scar/belly. So after evaluating the real reason I was there I showed him my poor traumatized belly (baby is now 16 months old). He told me that what was left would not move with more dieting, exercise, only surgery. I have lost about 40lbs and I sort of knew this in the back of my mind but I'm not satisfied with how I look because of the belly pooch I have left. It was uplifting on one hand because I got confirmation that I had done all I can do to get rid of the fat. He actually told me what I'd been dying to hear that there is very little fat left there. But on the other hand knowing there is nothing I can do to have a flat belly again without coming up with $6000 is rather upsetting! I don't know that surgery would ever even be an option, this just got me to thinking about how hard I have worked and what I see now when I look in the mirror. I'd love to hear from other women who have not so attractive looking bellies, stretch marks, etc. Success stories would be nice, nonsuccess/support stories also! And anyone done the surgery to get rid of the remaining yuckiness...how long did you wait after reaching goal weight to have it done? He actually said I'd be a candidate now and seemed convinced no more of it is going anywhere.
I really like the doctor so please no doctor bashing and saying he's just trying to get my money because its very unlikely he ever will and I told him that. I appreciated his advice and opinions. I'm just trying to get other opinions and stories here from other moms. By the way I love my son with my whole heart and I wouldn't trade him for a flat stomach anyday...he is worth every mark and extra inch.


  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    he is a surgeon he will only make money if he operates on you... give it some time and see what happens.
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    I haee a terrible belly that I too beleive will never be flat with out surgery. Maybe your doctor was trying to be nice but he does seem a little money grabbing. If you really are considering this option maybe also get another opinion. I know that there are lots of success stories on here for c - section mums that havent had surgery. Good luck whatever you decide :smile:
  • asasser2002
    I'm struggling with my belly also. :( I had a c-section as well. My skin is so loose. My baby boy was 9lbs 13oz and is 11 months old now. I've lost A LOT more than 30lbs since having him. I can deal with the stretch marks, they don't bother me but the loose skin and the pooch is so depressing. :(
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    I'm struggling with my belly also. :( I had a c-section as well. My skin is so loose. My baby boy was 9lbs 13oz and is 11 months old now. I've lost A LOT more than 30lbs since having him. I can deal with the stretch marks, they don't bother me but the loose skin and the pooch is so depressing. :(
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Yes it is!
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    I feel your pain... but how long has it been since you've lost the baby weight? The skin WILL shrink back, not all of it, but the appearance will improve. Keep doing what you are doing and give it some more time before you fork out $6K!

    This is the second time I am on this journey and after losing 80 lbs the first time around I had some extra skin but it was looking better with every year. And then I had another kid... :happy:
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I don't have plastic surgery, but it sounds like he's just trying to make another sale. You went asking about your neck, right? He has no business even thinking about your tummy. It reminds me of the time I went to a salon for an eyebrow wax and the lady said, "You need chin wax too. Too much hair. Moustache so ugly. Look like man." Playing off of our insecurities to make a few extra bucks.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    My best friend went two weeks overdue and had a 10 lb baby and gained 65 pounds while pregnant. her stomach was the "worst" I'd ever seen post-baby (i've had one myself) and now 4 years later...all that's left to let you know she had her daughter is some stretch marks. Even the guitar tattoo on her stomach looks normal. GIVE IT TIME AND LOTS OF IT.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    I feel your pain... but how long has it been since you've lost the baby weight? The skin WILL shrink back, not all of it, but the appearance will improve. Keep doing what you are doing and give it some more time before you fork out $6K!

    This is the second time I am on this journey and after losing 80 lbs the first time around I had some extra skin but it was looking better with every year. And then I had another kid... :happy:

    Thats what I was thinking. I would wait several years before I would even consider it ( it would take more than that to save!, ha) Thanks for the info! I've been maintaining at this weight since June.
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I have had 4 babies, all by c-section. I have that hangover pouch that will never go away. I am below my pre-pre-pre-pre-pregnancy weight. There is no fat in that area, just the extra skin from stretching so many times. I am okay with it (most of the time), but it would be nice to have it removed - then add a breast augmentation - breastfeeding ruined the boobs. LOL

    In the end, it is my body, I am proud of what I have accomplished. Be proud of your body! It's not easy to grow a human!
  • asasser2002
    My best friend went two weeks overdue and had a 10 lb baby and gained 65 pounds while pregnant. her stomach was the "worst" I'd ever seen post-baby (i've had one myself) and now 4 years later...all that's left to let you know she had her daughter is some stretch marks. Even the guitar tattoo on her stomach looks normal. GIVE IT TIME AND LOTS OF IT.

    ^^^ this gives me a little bit of hope
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You're 16 months out from having a c-section and you just had a plastic surgeon try and make a sale.

    Please don't take that too much to heart. He's trying to make a living on your insecurities. I have the VERY same belly, scar, pooch and whatnot. Now that I'm within 10 lbs of where I want my weight to settle, I'm even more positive that I can get rid of it.

    I had an appointment booked for a full mommy lift - tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation. I ended up canceling the surgery. The tummy tuck is crazy invasive and the healing can take a long time.

    Are you at a healthy body weight now? Try adding muscle and cutting a bit more fat to see. Even if the doctor says you have very little fat left (which is probably true), consider the source. He's someone who wants you to get surgery. Try asking a trainer, your GP or any other health or fitness professional.

    I'm just starting a lifting program and eating closer to maintenance in order to eventually do a proper bulk to put on muscle. I believe this will eventually take care of the problem. I think, for me, it's just going to take being VERY lean to get rid of the belly fat. But then, I've always held any extra fat right on my waistline (apple shaped).

    But I know your struggle... I want to love my body too...
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    I don't have plastic surgery, but it sounds like he's just trying to make another sale. You went asking about your neck, right? He has no business even thinking about your tummy. It reminds me of the time I went to a salon for an eyebrow wax and the lady said, "You need chin wax too. Too much hair. Moustache so ugly. Look like man." Playing off of our insecurities to make a few extra bucks.

    Yes I'm very aware, I don't trust doctors at all. But I did tell him it was not even an option, which it most likely never will be.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    A plastic surgeon asked you to see your C-section scar and immediately told you that plastic surgery is the only way to make it look better?


    Of course losing weight will improve your baby belly. Why don't you do that first and if you're still not happy, then consider plastic surgery?
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    My best friend went two weeks overdue and had a 10 lb baby and gained 65 pounds while pregnant. her stomach was the "worst" I'd ever seen post-baby (i've had one myself) and now 4 years later...all that's left to let you know she had her daughter is some stretch marks. Even the guitar tattoo on her stomach looks normal. GIVE IT TIME AND LOTS OF IT.

    what she said
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    A plastic surgeon asked you to see your C-section scar and immediately told you that plastic surgery is the only way to make it look better?


    Of course losing weight will improve your baby belly. Why don't you do that first and if you're still not happy, then consider plastic surgery?

    Ummmm... I have lost weight all I have to lose actually. As I said there is little to no fat left there to lose.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    My best friend went two weeks overdue and had a 10 lb baby and gained 65 pounds while pregnant. her stomach was the "worst" I'd ever seen post-baby (i've had one myself) and now 4 years later...all that's left to let you know she had her daughter is some stretch marks. Even the guitar tattoo on her stomach looks normal. GIVE IT TIME AND LOTS OF IT.

    ^^^ this gives me a little bit of hope

    Yes me too! Thanks!
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    i dont have a success story for you but i do believe that some of us women are just stuck with our baby bellies for good, even with weight loss, ive got 2, one is 5 the other just turned 4 saturday. although i weigh a bit more now '164', before my daughter was concieved i weighed 118lbs i looked great but my stomach wasnt flat. i had a pudge still. i will say that my mother did have a tummy tuck (reconstuctive surgery for breast cancer) and she had a pudge also that is now no longer existatnt. im not really for surgery but again i dont know what id do if given the chane, id love a flat tummy :(...shoot when im bloated youd probly guess i was prego!! >:(