*singing* The time is now...

trienn Posts: 29 Member
(*Subject explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl8mpAvTm_Y)

Uhm, I've been writing this topic for ..hm, a while now.
Sorry I made it so long and boring; I *was* trying to make it a short introductory but somehow it became a ... long introductory :ohwell:

hello everyone!

About 4 or 4,5 years ago I was morbidly obese.
Or, more correct, I was morbidly obese for the majority of my life up until 4 years ago.

This is when I reached my heaviest weight and the most desperate phase. I was about 150 kilograms (330 pounds?) and very *very* unhappy. (I say "about 150 kg" because my scale couldn't go over 150 kg so I don't know the exact number.)

I don't know what happened exactly, I just woke up one day and I had enough of it.
Had enough of everything: my weight, what it did to me, how I looked, how I felt, how people reacted to me, my life, food...

So, I just did it. Starting that day, I quit smoking, began eating differently and turned my life upside down.

I commit myself - or better said, I become a little obsessed with exercising and dieting. I did some healthy changes but I also did a lot of less healthy ones, so I won't go into details. For the next year and so, this was the only important thing in my life.

The result was: a year and something later I lost approx. 60 kg.

By the time I reached my lowest weight so far, 86 kg/ 189 pounds, I started having some health issues and soon I had to stop exercising completely.

One thing led to another: I stopped my diet as well. Life took me to other direction: my lifestyle changed, I got some big career opportunities, started traveling, partying, meeting lots of people, drinking.... I even started smoking again O.o
As sudden as I got into a healthy lifestyle, I got out of it. :frown:

I don't know how I didn't gain the weight back - I mean I wasn't paying any attention to my diet. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted.
But for the next 3 years, I stayed more or less around the same weight: 88 kg.

And the funny thing, all that time, I missed my workouts. I missed exercising and eating right.
But I was making up all those excuses: "not physically fine", "let's stop for a while", "you overdid it", "you don't have time now", "just finish this project and then you'll start running."....

the most important, I still felt unhappy, even when I was all smiling and positive.

Last autumn was probably when I woke up and thought: "Oh wait. This doesn't work."
I felt physically (and mentally) ready to get back on track. So I started running.

But I didn't change the lifestyle (and my diet) and I didn't completely commit, I had on and off periods.
So I didn't lose any more weight than a couple of kg I gained.
Although running did change my body.
People constantly kept saying how great I look, or asking how much weight I lost even tho the number on the scale stayed the same.

And by the summer I completely stopped running. I knew I had this upcoming operation (nothing serious, just ovarian cyst removal), so I though: "Hey, I'll just do that first, then I'll start working out. No point now, when I know I'll have take break"

But... seriously, I'm sick of waiting "for tomorrow". :grumble:

10 days ago, I started a new regime. I made positive changes to my diet and started working out again. I even started tracking my calories on MFP as you can see :)

This time I'll do it smarter and healthier. I will use food to fuel my body. And I won't overdo it.

I'm sick of excuses and "tomorrows".
I want to finish what I've started.

I was wondering is there anyone around with a similar experience?

Being morbidly obese and losing weight? Hitting a plateau or staying the same weight for a long time? Struggling to finish what they've started?

I'd like to hear from you; I joined this site not just to track calories, but to share experience and find motivation as well.

And motivation I will definitely need: as I will have to undertake the operation next month. Recovery will take some time; I'll have to stop with physical activities for at least 2 weeks.

And because I know from experience (ha -.-) that it's difficult to get back on track once you've stopped, I could really use a MFP buddy to keep me inspired :)

Wish you all the best: :*
