4 for 5 challenge *always open* week of Jan 18 week 3

Ok, this is a thread I was part of on My food diary a couple of years back. I can't pay for mfd right now, and I like mfp, so I thought I'd start it here.
Here's the deal: there are five goals:
1. log all food and drink
2. stay within calories
3. exercise 30 minutes
4. drink your water
5. do something for your mind. this can be spiritual, or just relaxing at home with your kiddos. whatever improves your spirit or mind.
6. you can have your own optional goal of your choosing, like an extra 15 min of exercise or something, but this does not count toward grace days.
The challenge starts every monday, please check in by sunday night for the next week. Every night, log onto the thread to report what you did that day. If you met at least 4 out of the 5 goals, you are still in the challenge. If you meet all five goals for three consecutive days, you earn a grace day to use when you flub. Each challenge member is responsible for keeping track of their own grace days. Grace days can be banked as well. If you are really on top of things, it is possible to earn two grace days a week.

If you mess up a day and don't have any grace days, just join us again on the next sunday night, but keep in touch on the thread.

if you have questions, you can message me.

Have fun, stay focused!

Peace and health,


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    5/5 today, although i didn't really think i would. yay!

    Choco, i almost always fall off over the weekend, i don't know what my problem is. this week, i am making a 6th goal for myself to stay in over the weekend. there.

    1. logged
    2. drank 9 cups h20
    3. worked out 45 min. still getting over this cold apparently. i ran out of gas much quicker than i anticipated.
    4. ate to lose
    5. wandered around target and world market w/hubs. no kids! woot!
  • I owuld like to sign up for the nex challenge .. how do I do it exactly just log in tom with all my goal? Thak You
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hey I would love to join. Sounds like a fun and motivating challenge.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    ate healthy
    logged all my food
    exercised for 1/2hr
    Had time to myself playing on the wii
    drank 3 quarts of water.

  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    ate healthy
    logged all my food
    exercised for 1/2hr
    Had time to myself playing on the wii
    drank 3 quarts of water.

    did you eat to lose? if you did, you got 5/5 and only need two more days to earn a grace day!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Hey I would love to join. Sounds like a fun and motivating challenge.
    welcome! if you would like to tell us a little about yourself, feel free. if you have questions, you may either post them here or pm me.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    I owuld like to sign up for the nex challenge .. how do I do it exactly just log in tom with all my goal? Thak You

    go ahead and jump in now, it's early enough in the week. the easiest way is to just read some of the other posts in the evening and follow the trend. if you have questions, pm me or post them here.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    AHA I found you!! I fell completely off the wagon last week. I had somehow convinced myself that since I am starting a BL challenge today I could eat everything and anything I wanted--gorge myself so that My weighin today will be more. Yes its going to be more, so hopefully it will come off fast, as my faulty thinking has been telling me it will. I will officially start up on this board tomorrow. My goal is to log everyday and get the 4/5 everyday. I think I can do it. I know I can. My plan is to be the biggest loser this year. 30 lbs gone, here I come!!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Missheidi, I'm confused as to when the new week actually begins. I've been starting my weeks on Sunday or Monday so i'm not sure how to go about counting the days to earn my grace period. I know I've earned 4 passes (grace days) b/c I've exercised, drank at least 10 glasses of water, logged my food, remained w/in my calories and done something for myself everyday since beginning this challenge but just needed some clarity.

    Here are my totals for the last three days:

    Sunday's Totals:

    20 minutes of Core Rhythms dvd and 10 minutes of Melt It Off dvd
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drank 10 glasses of water
    Watched football and relaxed

    Monday's Totals:

    35 min on the stairmaster and 25 on the elliptical
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drank 10 glasses of water
    Watched The Wire

    Tuesday's Totals:

    45 min of Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and 75 min of walking around the park
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drank 10 glasses of water
    About to watch the Biggest Loser

    Chocolickkyss: 3/7 and has earned pass (grace day) number 5. I must admit I've started 2010 very strong in the healthy lifestyle arena I really hope it will last throughout the year.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    the week starts on mondays Choc. so, even if you had 5/5 on sat and sunday, since the week starts over on monday, monday wouldn't be the third day. does that make sense? so, we start over every monday.

    for tuesday, (i'm running a little behind)
    1. logged everything
    2. ate to lose
    3. exercised for an hour
    4. drank all my water
    5. watched the basketball game w/hubs. GO SHOX! i'll catch up w. biggest loser later this week.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    AHA I found you!! I fell completely off the wagon last week. I had somehow convinced myself that since I am starting a BL challenge today I could eat everything and anything I wanted--gorge myself so that My weighin today will be more. Yes its going to be more, so hopefully it will come off fast, as my faulty thinking has been telling me it will. I will officially start up on this board tomorrow. My goal is to log everyday and get the 4/5 everyday. I think I can do it. I know I can. My plan is to be the biggest loser this year. 30 lbs gone, here I come!!


    deb, that was very silly of you.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I agree, especially since when I weighed my self today I was up 5 lbs from last week. Lets hope it is all water weight and will come off quickly. I enjoyed my splurge, but I also realized that I missed eating healthy...So here's to my new beginning!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Since Monday's start the new week I didn't earn the pass last night but will tonight since I've already completed today's workout, drank 8 glasses of water, logged all my food, remained w/in my calories and doing something for myself is easy since it's only me I have to worry about. I'm single w/no kids or pets. I won't officially count it until after I have eaten dinner but I'm on track for my 5th pass and I'm feeling real good about it.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I'm going to use Monday as my grace day.

    I will be back later to give you my list for today
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Wednesdays Totals:

    58 min of P90X's Kenpo X
    Logged all my food
    Remained w/in my calories
    Drank 12 glasses of water
    Going to sleep early b/c I'm exhausted

    Chocolickkyss: 3/7 and has earned my 5th pass (grace day) and still have four banked from previous weeks.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today I am back on track!!

    I ate to lose by 400 cals, yay exercise!
    logged all my calories
    Drank plenty of water
    walked the treadmill all through my taped Biggest loser, I love that show.:love: (85 mins)
    Sat and read my book

    It feels good to be back in the game again!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Ate to loose
    Logged all my food
    Exercised for an hour burned 1,088 calories
    Drank 4 quarts of water
    Had time to myself while watching TV with my hubby and playing on the laptop

  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    ate to lose
    worked out for hour and 15 min
    drank a buttload of water