How Not to Over-Eat at Work



  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    Just because it is free doesn't mean you have to eat it. A dog turd in the yard is free but you don't eat that.

    If something is really good and you really want it make room in your calories and eat it, but don't eat it just because it is there. This morning we had an event at work, there were cookies, and mini scones, and mini muffins, and donuts. All free. I really wanted the donut - the rest looked fine, but that donut was calling to me. I ate 1/2 the donut, some fruit and passed up the rest. Be selective! And bring some healthy snacks so you're less likely to give into temptation.

    Totally agree with this. One of the things that logging helped me with was seeing how many calories I was scarfing down at work on things that I ate just because they were there; not because they looked especially good, or I was hungry. Once I realized that, it was pretty easy to not eat about 90% of the stuff co-workers bring in to the office. OTOH, for that 10% that looks amazingly delicious (like the homemade chocolate covered toffees someone brought in yesterday), I'll find room in my calories for the day for them. And if i go a little over one day because I indulged? An extra 100-200 cals in a week where I'm on target isn't going to derail me.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Just say no when people offer you stuff and take in your own food :) That's what I do... "why don't you wanna eat the garlic roll are you on a diet" is what they say and I kindly respond "I'm trying to eat healthy, all that grease would destroy my stomach, I'd like real food"

    If you say that, you'll have no work-friends lol. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, just politely decline.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Just say no when people offer you stuff and take in your own food :) That's what I do... "why don't you wanna eat the garlic roll are you on a diet" is what they say and I kindly respond "I'm trying to eat healthy, all that grease would destroy my stomach, I'd like real food"

    If you say that, you'll have no work-friends lol. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, just politely decline.

    I couldn't agree more. I don't have to explain my dietary needs to every person I know. "No thank you" is a sufficient response, whether the reason is I don't like that, it looks gross, I'm eating kosher, I just finished my lunch, etc.