Nutrition and Body Composition (Tom Venuto Style)

Hi out there.

I am looking for friends who understand proper nutrition and body composition. I would love to see updates from people well-versed in proper nutrition... none of this starve-myself nonsense.

I learned a lot from my personal trainer and also read Tom Venuto's book The Body Fat Solution (Dec. 2009). The principles have helped me a lot! I shed off body fat remarkably. Now I am sorta starting over... I put on some pounds these past few months.

I must admit, when I was super-strict with my nutrition, there were times (at my leaner days) when I couldn't sleep and felt like I was going a little crazy. I worried that too much protein was having a strange effect on me.

Anyway, I don't know what I don't know. So if any of you out there are educated/well-versed in healthy nutrition for fat loss, please add me as your friend. I'd love to see what your food diaries are like.

Side-note: I realize exercise goes hand-in-hand with all of this and I am a regular gym girl. :wink:


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sounds interesting, I am not the expert you are looking for but we are already friends:happy:
    I would like to look into the book you mention, I want to try to lose some fat and know it is more diet than exercise. I have a hard time knowing what to eat and getting the macros right!