AMAZEBALLS!!! or oreo cheese cake bites.



  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)


    You're the only one who can sabotage yourself.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Actually... They are 106 calories per ball and 2 1/2 weight watchers points.. Oh and I don't remember seeing a recipe restrictions section. But I could be wrong. So tell me, EVERY SINGLE DAY, you eat healthy? I mean you don't enjoy little things here and there in moderation? If you have such a strict strict diet why even look in the recipe section? I'm pretty sure people post all kinds of recipes. I know a really good no fat no calorie no sugar no carb snack. Fill up the ice tray with water and every time you crave something sweet suck on one. They are sooo good especially when your sweet tooth has a cavity and you really get that brain zing. I also said to you can use reduced fat cream cheese and any cookie combinations you like. If you can't enjoy things that aren't always low fat, no calorie, splenda added, sugar free, cardboard flavored sweets, then you are probably going to be really upset the next pot luck you are around or better yet the holidays. If you work out and eat in moderation then you can eat whatever you want. I tried the black bean brownies and the chunky monkey peanut butter "healthy cookies", and for the lack of better terms, tasted like "bad times". Haha. Weight watchers teaches you you don't always have to eat salads and nuts and berries and boiled chicken to be healthy and lose weight. There was a guy who ate twinkies for a couple months, stayed under his calorie goal. And lost 40lbs HE ATE NOTHING BUT TWINKIES im not saying it's healthy and that i don't condone it, however, you eating a cookie ball isn't going to make you fat. We make us fat, not food! It's perfect for a sweet craving and great for giving as a birthday cake instead of a cake which is around 7 points per slice. Just sayin. Oh and they ARE heavenly! Also I'm not being mean. I'm just saying if i wanna post a recipe of bacon fat fried doughnuts then I should be able to without being judged. This Site is for everyone, some people want to gain weight, some people just like cooking ideas then turning them into their own. for whatever reason it is. I will continue to post what i want and not feel like I'm sabotaging your diet. I'm not shoving it in your mouth and making you chew. I've also lost 40lbs, I'm doing something right.
    Yes, you said everything that I was thinking.. If I don't have something each day for a little indulgence I know it is going to be too structured and I wont be happy. These sound amazing. Question.... Can you freeze these? I think they would be fabulous and thanks for sharing..
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    My sister in law's mom makes these. She doesn't roll them in chocolate graham crackers though, she dips them in melted chocolate, and calls them oreo truffles. I think they are amazing but its a dish only had on the holidays.