WTF is happening?!



  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Make sure you aren't creating too large of a deficit below actual TDEE - at your weight/goal you should be assuming a weight loss goal no greater than 0.75 lbs per week, which is a 375 calorie deficit.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Maybe you should open your diary.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    I know some month close to that time of the month I look like I dramatically gain... give it another week and weigh in again, at least watch it for a few days. Maybe you are getting a cold....retaining water....
  • LittleLadyLisa
    I set my deficit to lose about 1.5 lbs per week.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 Heart rate monitor that I go ton Amazon. I really like it.

    Also, I feel like you won't get the advice you're looking for without disclosing more information about your diet.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    What is your goal weight?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You say your clothes are still fitting - no looser, but not tight, even with a 10lb gain? That's not a bad thing! If you just recently started doubling up the workouts, I would guess what you're seeing on the scale is water weight. Any time I increase or add a new workout, the scale goes up due to the muscles holding water as they heal.

    Also, have you adjusted your calorie intake at all since losing 70 lbs? As your body changes, your caloric needs will change as well. You may need to eat more now than you did before to sustain your potentially higher metabolism, especially if you're now working out harder.

    Check out this topic:

    Great info there with links to tool to run your numbers and find out how much you should be eating. It's been a great help to me and many others here at MFP!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I set my deficit to lose about 1.5 lbs per week.
    Are you serious? Why would you even consider that? That range is for someone who has about 40+ lbs of fat to lose....
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Here is an article that can help explain what I believe could be happening, along with water weight gain possible, also. If it asks for a name and password just "X" that box off. You can read it still.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I set my deficit to lose about 1.5 lbs per week.
    Are you serious? Why would you even consider that? That range is for someone who has about 40+ lbs of fat to lose....

    My thought exactly.
  • LittleLadyLisa
    My goal weight is between 110-105. Please take in mind I have a short frame. Lol

    My diet is heathly. I eat between 1400-1600 calories a day. There are very few days that I only consume 1200. My diet consist of a lot of protein, and lots of veggies and fruit. I keep carbs moderate...sticking with complex carbs. I drink plenty of water through out the day. I take multi vitamins, vit d, and omega 3 daily.

    My only vice is pop. I drink about one can of coke zero per day. Sometimes less, sometimes more. But with my diet and fitness routine, I believe I am able to give in to that vice.

    I rarely drink. Maybe once every two months. I am not a sweet person, so I don't snack on candy. Around my time of the month, I will have a small peice of chocolate. I usually go for dark chocolate since it's not so sweet.

    I don't eat fast food like McDonalds, Burger King, etc. I DO eat subway maybe once a week. The sub I usually get...a foot long turkey sub is roughly 600 calories. I split it up to be two meals...eating half of lunch, and the other half for dinner. Everyone once in blue moon I will get chiptole. I would say once a month, or less.
  • LittleLadyLisa
    A healthy weight loss is between 1 - 2 lbs per week so I am on the right path. That is not too much.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you've been maintaining that massive deficit since you initially began your weight loss journey, you may want to get blood work done and check your hormones as severe calorie restriction combined with large amounts of cardio can lead to drastically elevated cortisol levels: among the outcomes is abnormal amounts of water retention.

    Read this article by Lyle McDonald as it may explain why your strategy of a huge deficit plus insane amounts of cardio is causing you more frustration than progress...
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    1 - 2 pounds a week is a healthy loss when you've got a lot to lose, but as you get closer to your goal, it's more like 1/2 lb a week, and loss tends to go more slowly.

    You've lost 60 - 70 lbs, you've got to adjust your goals. :)

    Another good article:
  • LittleLadyLisa
    Thanks for those articles. I appreciate it. I just need to regroup and not look at this as a set back. I'm going to cut back on working out as much. I'm just going to do the once a day, like the program says. My 3rd round ends next week so I will finish it up and maybe take a break from insanity and try more strength training, and less cardio and see how that goes.

    I have Jillian Michaels "no more trouble zone", P90X, and the biggest loser body sclupt dvds. I also have a kettle bell & dvd. Maybe I will try a combo of those videos and do insanity 2 times a week.

    When I orginally started my weight loss journey, I focused only on inches lost then about 6 months in my journey is when I started to weighing myself...then I focused more on the number on the scale. I'm going to regroup and put away that darn scale and measure myself for the time being.

    As of right now, I've lost about 60.5 inches off my body. That's taller than I actually am! Lol. So I need to stop being critical and look at all I've done in that past year and half.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You have made awesome progress! Congrats on how far you've come!
  • LittleLadyLisa
    Thank you and thanks for all the comments everyone! I do appreciate it.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Chronic, excessive deficits and cardio causes a tremendous stress on the body. I've had a few really "uptight" persons who were very stressed about many things and by maintaining too large of a deficit, their cortisol levels were astronomical. Once they chilled out and backed off on the cardio, the water retention went away and their body was able to return to a more optimal environment for fat loss. There may be other factors at play, but I believe readjusting would certainly benefit you. Btw, you look awesome.
  • LittleLadyLisa
    Amy - I read the overtraining issue article. I think this might part of my problem. Lol. The article says to rest and take time off from working out. This weekend is my birthday (sunday) so I guess this could be my bday present to myself...take a breather from working out as much as I have. I have a 3 day weekend (so excited bc I never get 3 day weekend!! LOL). So I will start back Tuesday.

    Just gotta keep telling myself this is not a set back. I guess I was so shock when I saw the number on the scale. I do have a big fear of gaining all the weight back. I never want to go back to where I was and the fact I gained 10 lbs without me knowing or noticing really was shocking to say the least. I'm sure 2-5 lbs is muscle weight, and the rest maybe water...who knows.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    First thing that struck me: Insanity 2x a day!??

    If you are doing it right you should barely make it through one session because of the effort you are putting in, especially if you are doing it regularly and your muscles are still fatigued from the previous workouts.

    Are you eating enough to make up for the calories you're burning? (If I did insanity 2x a day, and I'm 5ft so also a shorty, I'd be burning 1000 calories a day)

    I think something might be off here. Any chance you might open your diary?