Biting the bullet



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thinks it's definitely a a possible nd goal, but you may be asking for a lot on the Xmas. Goal considering your weight is now 220 and hoping to get under 200...I fully expect by your weight for it to slow down a little... Now a stone? Definitely possible if you knuckle down! Would be an amazing achievement too. Good luck! X
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Ive managed 29lbs in 6weeks if that helps. Can be done with the right attitude :)
  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    bullets are not heathy no nutritional value what so ever I would avoide bitting them

  • teenytinyme
    teenytinyme Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the encouragement! Yes, I may have set an unrealistic target but my thinking is why don't I keep it and come December 24th ill know if its realistic or not.
    I have started on the fitness/excercise and doing Bootcamp twice a week. Great to get out if the house. I have a treadmill that has surprisingly seen some foot pounding (albeit last time was Early August) but I'd like to start running outdoors as I enjoy it when we warm up at Bootcamp.

    I've clocked up a few friends now - don't want to disappoint.
    Teenytinyme is what I will be :) haha
  • Emmaf79
    Hi, I'm in the same boat. My little boy is 4 months and i have a 3 year old girl - getting time to yourself can be a challenge. I have been using this since realising that I was getting heavier after having my baby rather than lighter! I started trying to loose 1.5lbs/per week but the calorie allowance was too restrictive and I could feel myself disengaging quickly. I changed it to loose alb/week and that has been far more manageable and most of the time it doesn't feel like a diet. 4 weeks on and I have lost 9lbs and still motivated. :smile: You can do it!! good luck