High Protein Low Carb help needed!!

Hi All,

Sorry if this has been posted before but I am really confused.... If I follow high protein diet and want to track my carbs at no more that 40g per day how does MFP do this? I have changed my protein to 35% carbs 45% and fats 20% but not sure of the carbs recorded are net carbs as they are higher than 40 g

Any advice much appreciated



  • wishiwas
    I am not sure how they do it either, but when i was doing the atkins diet I always just counted total carbs to be on the safe side and do even better, and i lost weight effectively. I find sticking to whole grains in pata, bread, waffles, rice etc and eating fruit to be the most effective way to still get healthy carbs and lose weight. hope this helps even a litte and GOOD LUCK:flowerforyou:
  • shagybear33
    MFP won't track NET carbs. Add FIBRE to your tracking then at the end of the day, subtract your total fibre from your total carbs and that will give you your net carbs for the day.

    Hope this helps!!!