Challenge: Fridge Raiders Unite!



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    lol thanks for all the support!! Today is a new day, but it's also Saturday... sooo I'm going out tonight! I worked out this morning and have been eating well so far, which are my only requirements for enjoying a guilt-free saturday night :-p

    Get up sleepyhead! Hope you had fun and you're not hungover.:noway:
  • kaytbognar
    Triumph and success! I went to the movies last night and skipped the snacks--no popcorn, no cheesey nachos, no soda. I even declined when the person I went with offered me some of his. Just didn't want it, and I knew if I had one bite I would want to eat the whole darn thing.

    This is a pretty big deal for me, since I love treats at the movies (I remember my girlfriend in Toronto and I going to see step up when it came out and getting as much junk as we could--XL Popcorn with LAYERED butter, XL nachos with extra cheese, licorice, chocolate, gummies, MOUNTAIN DEW-- and prided ourselves on eating it all. gosh I'm making myself salivate just thinking about it!)

    Opted out of a fast-food dinner (there's a taco bell and a subway by the theatre we went to) and had something healthy when I got back. Feel pretty good about it all.

    Hope you ahve fun times, aHappier Me! And that you're not hungover :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    Never mind your "goodness" and "not eating all the junk"...................................but, nice job. NOW - - -

    Who's the guy?:wink:
  • kaytbognar
    AUGH. The puzzle of my life.

    He's this guy that's the AM waiter at the hotel's restaurant and I have NO CLUE if this was like, a DATE or MERCY or WHAT.

    So, as you may know, I am kind of the king (queen, if guess) of all shut in because I live at the hotel where i work in the middle of nowhere and have no car. I was getting coffee one morning and talking to Ramon (the guy) and Maria, one of our cooks--ramon has to translate since I don't speak spanish and she has very little english--and they were saying how I should get out, I countered with the I have no WAY of getting out, maria said she would take me but we'd really ahve nothing to talk about, and Ramon said he'd take me out and show me around. So, OBVIOUSLY, I say yes becuase a little slice of freedom is what I want every once in a while (topped with whipped cream???)

    But then, he paid for the movie, and when he dropped me off back here he walked me to my door and I was kind of AWKWARD becuase, well, I just don't date. LOL. I have no interest in it, and it just...puzzles me from start to finish. I have none of it and like that plenty fine.

    Anyway, he's 30 and looks 25, has an 8-yr old son, and is kind of flaky and always late and blames it on his "chronic bad luck"--not exactly the best way to sell himself. LMAO.

    *facevault* I always wind up in these strange situations without even REALIZING it until too late. Werp.

    The End.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    Ah, Kayt, I love it.

    Let me just say.. . . .after more men than I care to admit. . . . it baffles me too. I always think I have a handle on things - then it all goes suddenly awry and I am left saying :huh: ?

    Boys are mysteriously confusing, if that isn't too redundant.

    I went many years without dating, then recently had a six month long relationship-or-whatever-it-was....don't know what happened, but it just went up in smoke for no real reason. Ah such is life.

    But enough about me.

    Did he try to kiss you? :tongue: :wink: (you don't have to answer. I'm notoriously nosey.)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    And sorry I highjacked your thread!

    I have been eating my meals in front of the TV. And last night I had too much peanut butter. I wasn't able to sleep, my tummy was empty.

    It's always the nuts. So I failed at the two week challenge already. Still sugar free though......oh different thread. :embarassed:
  • kaytbognar
    Ah Cheryl, thank god I'm not the only one perpetually perplexed by the opposite sex. He didn't try to kiss me, I think I have that instinctively prickly body language so he stayed away. It's just...exceptionally awkward because I work with him (I think this is one of the biggest problems I have with the sitch) :/ And because one of the girls who works desk is being all annoying and ASKING me about it. Like, hello, no. >.<;;

    Hahaha, it's a testament to my paranoia that I am now always feeling like this is some big conspiracy against me. Apparently it's SUPER weird for someone my age (I'm 24 for pete's sake!) to be single and without kids. I hate kids, sorry, but I do. GRUMBLES.

    ANYWAY, with all this in the background, I've been being good. I keep breaking the 9:30 cutoff because I keep forgetting to eat before then, but it's not binge-eating, I'm just making dinner later. I still measure out what I'm having, use cutlery and sit down for it so I count it as a win.

    Weight & measure today, decrease in everything except my fugging waist measurement. That bad boy REFUSES to go down no matter what. Couldn't I be genetically predisposed to have excess assfat? I wouldn't mind having a booty, just get thee hence, spare tire!

    Ah well, life continues. I've been daydreaming about getting home to Toronto and having a bike for transportation again, and going to Vermont with my parents in the summer--I've been telling my pops to prepare for many hikes in the green mountains. HURRY UP MAY!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Okay so I know I'm a little late... but can I join? I've hit a plateau in weight loss, and I really need some motivation. It seems my problem is very similar to yours Kayt...I get bored and everytime I find myself wandering aimlessly I head to the fridge or the pantry. UGH! I've been staying within my cal goals (sometimes only by working out 2 hours/day) and my main problem is not completely going all out overindulging, or indulging in any one thing, it's that EVERYDAY I feel like I need to have some sort of a fast food or sweet treat. So, I've planned out my week of meals and I AM going to stick with it this week. Haven't the last couple. And no stress or boredom eating for me, nope, nope, nope. I think I'm on the edge of giving up, and if nothing else I may up myself to maintenance cals if I see no loss this week, but I just really need some friends to stay on me to stay AWAY from the junk and make those extra cals count. I'm making my Food Diary viewable to friends and would like to add you all as friends to help me stay accountable. I'll try to do the same for all of you. :happy:
  • kaytbognar
    Yeah yeah jrbowers! The more the merrier, don't you dare give up yet.

    i definitely know how you feel about those cravings, I found this week has been a lot better for me in terms of resisting the junkeroo. I upped my calories in the last week or two and found it made an incredible difference in how I felt and being able to resist the fridge.

    Other things that have been helpful have been having lots of fresh fruit around--a bunch of our orange trees are in season so anytime I want a snack, especially a sweet one, I grab an orange instead of going for the chocolate cake. And, when i need the chocolate, I add a tablespoon of cocoa and one packet of splenda to my coffee for a bit of a mocha. Doing this got me through my TOM without turning into the crankiest, most ravenous WITCH on the planet, which I noticed was happening the past few months when I was trying to stick to around 1200+exercise cals.

    You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks Kayt for the warm welcome and tips for support. You always know how to keep me upbeat. I know the little tricks I SHOULD be doing, but I talk myself into indulging, so thanks for the reminders to keep me in check. Alot of it has been long weekends with the kids and they want pizza and mcdonald's etc. Instead of saying no I cave and go. And then my husband brings home lots of cookies, pies, etc. to try to make up to me, but really I feel like he's sabotaging me. So we agreed this week, that if he wants to be nice to me, he'll keep the sweets and sodas out of the house, and take a load off of me by helping out with household chores and watching the kids. So far he's in agreement, but you never know so that's why I'm here to get the addtl. support. I know this is a lifestyle change for him and the kids as well because in the past anytime I was unhappy or wanted a reward, the sweets or going out to dinner was the way to go. Now I don't keep that kind of stuff in the house anymore, and "treats" for the kids lately (well other than the last 2 weeks) have been yogurt, applesauce, fruit with choc, caramel, or yogurt dip etc., or fruit muffins. Sometimes sugar free frozen yogurt. I need to get rid of the junk husband has brought into the house and get back to doing this for me and the kids.

    And Kayt, great job on finding and sticking with the satisfying alternatives. It's great that your in that beautiful place with fresh tropical fruits and swimming to add to your workout routine.

    To cmriverside and happierme, hope you conquer the nut cravings soon. My plan of action is to just get rid of the stuff that is oh, so tempting. Maybe try buying some small, individual packs of nuts/trail mix for when you need to up cals and protein? Well hope to talk to ya'll more soon. Baby just went down for her am nap, so gotta get my Tae Bo workout in. Yuck.
  • kaytbognar
    That's why I'm here, girl!

    I can understand your frustration with your family's learning curve, it's always hard to maintain your own lifestyle changes and impress upon those you live with the important of accomodating you when they're not self-motivated to make those changes.

    Hahaha, if your husband comes home with treats, you can always try the old school "this is why you don't smoke" lesson and sit him down and make him eat ALL the sweet junky stuff he brings home in one sitting by himself. Then it'll be gone from your sight, and he'll understnad how gross that stuff can make you feel! LOL.

    Also, HAHA! On TaeBo. Billy Blaaaaaanks! Gosh, I have the original taebo tapes around somewhere at home, I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Billy Blanks is kind of creepy/scary and I always found him so entertaining. KEEP IT UP :)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Kayt, I am laughing so hard at the "eat it until you're sick" philosophy. LOL. I just may try that. It reminds me of this Curious George movie my son has, George gets the man's pipe and smokes it then turns all green and starts seeing ghosts and stuff. Pretty creepy and I'm fairly certain my son is turned off of smoking for quite awhile at least. As far as the Tae Bo goes yes I know it is old school, but someone gave me a DVD. I never jumped on the hype it had years ago, but I miss kickboxing at the gym, so I found this to be good alternative. It is so HARD!!! Usually I have to stop and walk it out after 20 min. but today I went the whole 45 min. video and I rocked it. I felt so proud of myself and I burned a whopping 525 cals. so that made it easy to stay under on my cals today. I actually even found myself having to REMIND myself to eat today. Was very busy trying to squeeze in running errands with daughter and then the HVAC guy came out to work on my heater (STILL not fixed, but they say tomorrow it will be.) Then I've started keeping a little boy in my son's class after school so that means 3 kids to look after instead of 2. Doesn't sound like alot, but it quickly can turn to chaos. Anyway, I managed to stick to my meal plan all day and eat pretty healthy. Feel free to check up on me. LOL

    Day 1 challenge complete.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    notetoself.gif *

    *Note to self: must practice "Prickly Body Language" to avoid possible good-nite kisses.


    :ohwell: also Forgot-to-Have-Kids (for same reason, Kayt.) Plus they just scare meeek-1.gif

    Welcome, jr. uh. no offence on the kids joke.....:embarassed: :flowerforyou:

    I had a great day, but I woke up at 3:30 AM and I'm beat. So even tho it's 5:55 PM here, I'm going to the bedroom and relax. Niters. Good food day, great pool day. Beautiful sunny day.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Okay, so I went back and caught up a little on this thread. Kayt-Glad to get the WHOLE story about the NOT date. Yep, you were just getting out, definitely not a date. It's ironic you're in this adventurous paradise of sorts, but in a way you're so isolated. I can understand why the fridge raiding could become a problem. Great job conquering it lately.

    I take no offense to the no kids, scared of them, don't want them comments. I mean, you're not actually talking about MY kids. I know ya'll would love them :wink: LOL. But you know it's not for everyone. I personally would not feel my life is complete without kids, but if you don't like them or don't see yourself as a mother, then I'm glad you choose to abstain from having them. It's the women who can't stand kids then try to raise them that make me angry...have had some family experience with that and my anger runs high. So I just hope that I don't bore or annoy any of you with my comments about the kids, because I'm a stay at home mom and the kids and this diet/exercise routine are all that I do. And as far as the no-dating/picky dating, that may be smart. I'm going through all kinds of issues in my marriage of almost 7 years, so I'm certainly not the one to speak of what relationships should be like.

    Well, I've planned steak followed by fat free sugar free banana pudding for tonight, so not technically going off my meal plan, just allowing myself a little indulgence. The rest of my day is healthy!
  • kaytbognar
    Ahahaha, poor jrbowers--you're getting here AND over at our other thread. Oh well. I think I'm pretty much done venting/stressing about it. You're right though, sometimes the fridge is THAT much more of a challenge because I don't have much else to do.

    <3 What I love so much about MFP is that we get so many people from SO MANY different walks and stages of life. It's rare to have such a wide variety of friendships with so much diversity between them :) And I don't mind kids most of the time, so long as I can GIVE THEM BACK later LOL.

    Good job planning for a little indulgence, too. I keep having to free up more and more space in my food diary for our oranges and bananas. I've come to really enjoy peeling oranges with a knife and eating them kind of like apples--you get more fibre with more of the pith on them too--it's like...KIND OF a calorie free indulgence.

    Cheryl, hope you're feeling better rested today--you sounded POOPED! Hopefully not too pooped to resist the distant call of trail mix somewhere...

    aHappierMe *poke*poke* Where y'at! Hope you're not choking on nuts ;P OR looking for the meaning of life in the can of whipped cream. (I'll be angry if you can find it in there when I couldn't!)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    Much good sleep last night. I was really out - for about nine hours.

    Today was another beautiful sunny day here in WA so I went to the beach which involves a big long steep hill. I sat in the sun and wondered why I feel a need to move south when it's so nice here.

    I went to Trader Joes and wistfullly walked down the trail mix / nuts and dried fruits aisle. Twice. Picked up a couple bags. Put them back.

    I had a good food day today. Whenever I work out I eat better that whole day. Brain chemicals? Sunshine? I dunno, but it definitely makes a difference.

    And tomorrow is the pool YAY. I :heart: the pool. So it will be another good food day.

    I'm not hating kids so much now that I slept, walked and ate healthy food. There. I feel better. They just look like work. And I think you're supposed to be married first? Dunno. That's probably another reason I didn't have any.

    Enjoy your oranges and sugar-free banana puddings!
  • kaytbognar
    Cheryl, P-P-P-POW! Way to resist. Pride for you right here, sister.

    Mowed down on some coconut this afternoon, lots of fresh bananas and oranges make up my life. Was a little bad last night, dipping into the coquito and JWB--my excuse is that I had a phone date with my near and dear Theodore, and 1 coquito and 1 JWB (both measured and logged and within the day's quota!) were good concessions to up my enjoyment of time "spent" with someone I miss a lot.

    It been a year since I moved from Toronto, makes me a little homesick to think of it! I sure am glad to have long distance plan to keep in touch with my besties.


    Have a gooder, I'll be back later to check up on 'yall *hairy eyeball* That's right, I'M WATCHIN' YOUS!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Cm-great job resisting the impulse for the trail mix. That's the only way to protect yourself is to completely abstain! I can just picture you walking the aisle and putting some in your basket, then trudging back to wistfully put it back on the shelf. LOL. You did good! I am so jealous of you and Kayt with the swimming thing. I would love to be able to swim as a workout but no pool here, and have no funds for gym membership so there goes that. Ah well, you guys do lots of swimming for me okay?

    Kayt-so glad that you are using fruits to sock it to that fridge and say "no way". My fave dessert of late (although you wouldn't know it because I've been indulging in "real" dessert... so not worth it!) Is pineapple and berries with Cool Whip Free. Yum and huge serving for only 100 cals. I have so looked for the meaning of life in the can of cool whip before...and canned cheese, which is SO disgusting now. But I do think it might be in my fruit and Cool Whip Free.

    Well, not too good today. Stuck with my plan for a healthy Mexican lunch, but then gave into the girl scout cookie temptation. Darn Girl Scouts and your calorific concoctions! And they're not even that good!!! I don't know why I feel the impulse to munch on them. I honestly wonder if there is some kind of additive that causes addiction, you know like smoking? Cuz cigarettes taste and smell gross too, but plenty of people out there just HAVE to have them. Blech. The meaning of life is not in the Girl Scout cookies.....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    Thx. I actually didn't put trail mix in the cart. Just picked it up...

    And Samoans. Girl Scout Samoans.

    I would be very tempted to cheat with a Samoan. . . . . . but I made it thru last year with NONE. Zip. ZERO. Zilch. If I did it once, I can do it again. :smile:
  • kaytbognar
    Hey. I miss you guys.

    I hate my boss, he is CRAZY and woke my sorry butt up at 7:45 am by BANGING on my door really really loud and telling me I had a massage at 9:30am. I was having a weird dream, so the banging made me think for a minute that God was coming to hang out and drink scotch and tell me the secret to indugling my way to a flat tummy. As much as my boss might THINK he's God, he's not. He's just a lousy crumbum with an inflated ego who never wants to do anything for himself. GRUMBLES.

    Been eating pretty good lately, though, got myself some tea yesterday--mango green and jasmine white--as treats. Holding out against temptation, though I'm still eating dinner around 9:30/10ish a lot of nights.

    Do you guys know, does it make a difference, eating late? I hear so many different opinions, so many of them are SO COMMON, it's nearly impossible for me to tell what's solid and what's not. GRUMBLES.

    Thankfully, Robert Downey Jr. is a calorie-free snack (and, in the booter of Sherlock Holmes my girlfriend mailed to me which arrived yesterday, he's covered in the calorie-free deliciousness that is Jude Law! OMNOMNOM) and I have a long-standing engagement with my friend to have at LEAST one RDJ movie date over the internet every week. That's like, four hours of ogling and fun that I do not snack on anything.

    How you guys doing? This two-week challenge is almost up!