Does anyone else feel almost obsessed?

Arienna Posts: 913
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
And I don't mean with MFP b/c that's a different kind of obsession!

I mean, I am literally afraid not to workout everyday..I was going to use today to rest b/c I've worked out for the past 7 days straight...but I feel upset with myself for even thinking that way! And I am allowed 1600 calories/day for a deficit for a 2 lb loss, before working out..I'm trying to slowly increase my calories so that I'm eating most/all of my exercise calories. I was eating about 1200-1300 calories and yesterday ate 1500 and was really upset about it. I am afraid I'm going to end up with an eating disorder after I hit my goal unless it's normal to feel this way? Does anyone else??


  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    I am obsessed! On the days I don't exercise I carefully plan every calorie and try to come in under my calorie goal of 1500. I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not... the other thing I've noticed is that I am not going out to dinner as much because it's too hard to count the calories! Normally I HATE chain restuarants but now, those are the ones I choose when I do go out, because they post nutritional information on their websites! I've been using MFP for a month now, and thing the main thing is to learn how to make better food choices and use better judgement on portion sizes.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I do. I can totally relate to the comment you made about not exercising and Im so critical about every calorie that I too feel almost obsessed.
    I am just starting this journey so I am hoping after a month or so I will start seeing a pattern in my weight loss/eating/exercising habits and be able to take a step back and really look at it.
    I too feel that Im going to develop some weird disorder while Im doing this...I feel that I already have a scale obession.
    Wow - seeing that in print is really scary.
  • So here's the thing, and this is just my personal opinion, but I kind of feel there has to be some level of committment whether you want to call dedication or obsession. I think it's important that people realize that this is something you do as a lifestyle change not a quickfix. I get upset wih myself if I don't get a chance to workout but mostly because I love the way I feel about myself when I come home smelly and sweaty, I feel like I've accomplished something. On the other side of this you have to know when you're body needs a break from exercise, if you wind up hurting yourself then you're going to be out the gym longer than the one day break you would've taken. As far as being upset about going over I think that's perfectly normal, it doesn't mean you're going to have an eating disorder once you hit your goal I think it just means you have really invested yourself into living a healthier life and don't want to disappoint yourself. Just remember one day of going over isn't going to scar your overall performance just get right back on and live today without worrying about the past. =)
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I was too for a while and then I got much closer to my goal and it's easier to relax a bit.

    I wouldn't say that you would necessarily wind up with an eating disorder- as long as you exercise normally each day. If you are really overdoing it that would look more like an eating disorder.

    But the truth is that you don't have to have a diagnosable eating disorder to have an unhealthy relationship with food. Most people do- it's really encouraged in women in this society by the media, social norms and several other pressures. It might be good to think about how you feel about yourself, not how you feel about exercise or fears you have about not exercising. Do you generally have a positive feeling about yourself, acknowledge you are working on your weight, but don't put your self worth on the same level as your calorie intake for the day?

    Science says it's best to rest to give those muscles a break, so they can repair and rebuild. So I would say it's a good idea to take a rest day each week. Or maybe it that freaks you out do something really light and leisurely like taking a dog or a friend out for a nice relaxed walk, or go on a slow, fun hike etc- but have fun, don't think about it as "exercise".

    You'll get there! And how awesome would it be to reach your goal and be as healthy and well rounded and well-rested as you could be?
  • I'm definitely getting to that point! It feels great to be "obsessed" with something besides food! I didn't go the gym yesterday and today I am planning on going right after work....can't wait!!!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I feel obsessed sometimes, but when I get that way, I take some time and just force myself to relax. That used to mean binges, but now I'm learning how to relax without them, so now it means I'll give myself a mani/pedi or meditate and do breathing exercises. For a while, none of my friends wanted to spend time with me because I was so obsessed, but I'm back to a normal place now. I can control my portions without talking everyone's ears off about it. One thing that has really helped is that I carry a small notebook with me and I write down what I'm eating as I eat it, so I won't forget it later, and so I stick to the portions I give myself.

    I think going through this phase of disordered eating is normal for people on MFP. Compulsive overeating is considered a disorder, and many of us have probably struggled with it for years. I feel like we sort of get tugged hard to the opposite side of the disordered eating continuum so that when we bounce back, we reach a point of equilibrium. If it feels like disordered eating is becoming normal for you, instead of you finding a real normal, you should talk to your doctor and see what he or she recommends.
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    I do think when you're first starting out you can be harder on yourself. it hasn't completely become a lifestyle change and you worry that if you mess up, you won't be able to get back on the wagon. but like bethrs said, after you've had a few months of the program actually working, you begin to have more faith in it and in yourself.

    so basically, right now you're still learning to trust yourself and trust that this is the new you. soon you will.
  • i would not say im obsessed but definitly love the feeling after a work out and just not starting to notice the fit of my clothes. I am on the scale almost every day and i know its not good. I dont exactly watch what I eat but I do take more notice in it. I think it is just a natural high, not a bad addiction. Just make sure you keep eating, dont starve yourself. you have to put back at least half as much as what you are using. I have my calorie limt set at 1800 w/o excercise and im below it every day and that just feel good to know that.:wink:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Thanks guys for all the replies! I haven't worked out yet and am trying not to, that sounds horrible! I feel really fatigued, I even took a nap, which I never do so maybe one day of rest is a good thing.. I am just so scared not to hinder my weight loss but as long as I eat good, I should be good to go!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • i get completely obsessed by counting calories!! i always have to look at the labels and count them, my friends think i am mad, it is just so addictive cos you feel better for being in control. And when i don't do my pilates i think bout it all the time and then i have to do it!! weird:S XXX
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