Hurt ankle on treadmill

wednesdaystar Posts: 6
edited January 1 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

I've been running most mornings for about 20-25 mins on the treadmill, today nothing felt bad whilst I was running but about an hour afterwards my left ankle started to ache and now it is really quite painful. It feels a bit like when you twist your ankle, but that didn't happen. Does anyone have any experience of this and any advice as to what I should do, and how I can prevent it in the future? It's almost bad enough to make me limp, and very uncomfortable.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member


    You mention that you've been running "most mornings", are you varying distances and intensity? How long have you been running for?

    It sounds to me like an overuse injury (it takes your body time to adapt) from, perhaps trying to do too much, too fast, too soon. Take a day or two off (until your ankle feels better) and if you want to use your treadmill daily try a day of walking between running days to give your body time to recover and adapt. If you're not already doing so consider adding some strength training to your workouts as a way of addressing muscular imbalances and improving injury resistance.

    Here's a link to some strength & cross training ideas at,7123,s6-238-263-266-0,00.html
  • Thanks Brian - I am resting it now and going to leave off the running a few days!

    In terms of my running I have been doing couch to 5k, which I'm a few weeks into, but it's not that varied in intensity. I did actually have yesterday off so it was a surprise, but I think you might be right about overuse because I hadn't had a break for a while before that.

    That link looks useful as well
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