Your Online Alterego



  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Online I say the dumbass things I think instead of keeping them inside, and I'm more likely to point out what I think are flaws in people's logic.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    - Are you different online vs offline?
    not much.. pretty bipolar in both places.. which makes me hard to like for sure.

    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    well, on here.. i have no idea..

    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that?
    i am a bit more sexual here than say on facebook (where i am friends with my publishers and coworkers). im a bit shy at first.. but my naughty side will come out when i get to know someone.

    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?
    Yeah, sometimes
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    ...I know quite a few people who live vicariously through the Internet because they can't (or won't) try living real life

    Pardon me for saying so, but isn't this PART of real life? I'm real, sitting here typing this. What about that isn't real?
    Me too. However, I'm actually a 97 year old black woman in Nebraska.

    I figured this was the case. too funny - funy funny one or two N's ? It's friday I don't care I guess
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Being online probably magnifies my persona I'd say. I am more sarcastic, mean, and witty than I am in real life. I think that's because online I get to interact with people I don't know and don't care about. I like being a ****, but in real life I like keeping my friends more. However my interactions with those outside my group of friends is probably pretty close to how I behave online too, but they are just more infrequent. And being witty online is much easier than in public, because I can spend all the time in the world to think about my responses.
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    - Are you different online vs offline?
    Yes. I'm more myself online. In real time, I'm pretty shy with strangers and prone to long silences. People who meet me in person first are often surprised to discover that I'm an adrenaline junkie with many of the adventures on my bucket list already crossed off.

    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    Not really. Most people use the internet to entertain the worst aspects of their personality. They can't hold up the 'Mr. Nice Guy' mask for long in person.

    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that?
    The anonymity of the internet frees me let my alter egos prance. I'm more than shy and bookish, but people don't often take the time to look beyond what's happening on the surface.

    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?
    Yes. Sadly, when you're free to remake yourself and be anything you want to be, people usually choose to be terrible.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152

    When individuals meet me in person, who only knew me from online forums, the media, advertisements, seminars, etc, their initial response is always the same... basically, "Holy crap, you are exactly the same in real life as you appear to be online (or in the media)."

    In what media and advertisements would we find you?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I had to go back and figure out when I first got on line and it was apparently sometime in 94 as I was a beta tester for the first ISP on the island.

    I am both the same in VT and RT, and not. By way of explanation in RT, aside from work, I tend to be more reserved at first meetings and until I'm more comfortable with a person, while in VT my personality is what people who've known me for a while would be familiar with.

    Is anonymity the root of all evil on the internet?
    Yup. And it's also an amazing benefit as well
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am a talking lighter.............
    Need a light?
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member

    When individuals meet me in person, who only knew me from online forums, the media, advertisements, seminars, etc, their initial response is always the same... basically, "Holy crap, you are exactly the same in real life as you appear to be online (or in the media)."

    In what media and advertisements would we find you?
    Porn. My stage name is Girth Brooks.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?

    This is an interesting question, philosophical, even. I might ask, does anonymity allow someone to display their true character, which is inherently far from what we perceive as "good"? Then what is our true persona? How we behave in public, or on the internet? Is it not a test of character to see how one would behave when they think no one is looking, and there are no repercussions? Off topic a bit I know, just musing though.
  • smboston
    -Are you different online vs offline?
    Offline: I'm fairly candid in person and will express my opinion thoughtfully when asked. I'm very reserved offline, too. I will have a conversation with anyone and can work a room but at the end of the night everyone will remember having a good laugh with me but no one will know me any better.

    Online: I'm more apt to jump into a conversation and say nutty things to get people fired up. I'm also more open and adventurous with discussions about sex. Of course if I then meet the person in person I'm equally open and adventurous, I just don't usually discuss sex much offline.

    In either place: if a discussion turns from civil discourse to a caustic free-for-all I choose to walk way/tune out rather than be involved once rationality has ceased. Of course I do like absurb conversations.

    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    Some are. Some talk a big game online then can't follow-through. Others are exactly who they appear to be online. If people are intense online, I've found them to be moreso in person.

    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that?
    I have a harder time approaching people and asking for what I want in person. Online I figure I can make my request and if turned down I can move on to one of the billion other persons floating around. As long as I am honest with my request and confident in my opinion/stance/belief then I have nothing to be ashamed of and will not be hurt if mocked or talked about because of said opinion/stance/belief.

    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?
    I think that cruelty exists everywhere but it's easier to be cruel if there's no chance of repercussion. We are currently having the same discussion at work about allowing anonymous submissions or not of improvement suggestions for the company. Currently: no anonymous suggestions. We tried and the suggestions turned spiteful and malicious.
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Online, I like to argue.

    Offline, I am very friendly and non-confrontational.

    I think its the anynomity that lets the other side out.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152

    When individuals meet me in person, who only knew me from online forums, the media, advertisements, seminars, etc, their initial response is always the same... basically, "Holy crap, you are exactly the same in real life as you appear to be online (or in the media)."

    In what media and advertisements would we find you?
    Porn. My stage name is Girth Brooks.

    Haha, so people think you're exactly the same IRL as you are in porn?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    I tend to censor myself more online than I do in real life...otherwise I think the same.
  • GermanicKnight
    - Are you different online vs offline?
    For the most part I am the same. I am silly and flirty in real life as I am online. I have nothing to hide.

    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    Yes. I have met friends online and when we met in real life (through MMO's, forums, etc) they are more reserved and uptight.

    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that? I feel online grants you an imaginary shield and you can be virtually anyone you want online.

    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet? No. Gives you a chance to be more creative and allows you imagination to search in places it normally would not in real life.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    well, I am short and fat in real life.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Honestly I think I'm more "me" online then in real life. Too many people in my daily life have known me for years. I've grown, changed, yet they still see me as I was 10-20 years ago. Online I can be who I want to be all the time, without the fear of judgment. Because really, until you meet face to face, you are all ghosts to me.

    I had the luck of meeting two very close MFP friends recently in person. They were exactly as I expected them to be and more. I think the anonymity of the internet allows us to be freer, more open.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    - Are you different online vs offline?
    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that?
    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?

    1. I wouldn't say I am am not different...but i'm muted offline...mostly because the intense social interaction that happens online is to my benefit...and's not...i miss a lot...I'm never in the now....

    2. Yes.....they can be. It depends on their social approach...some people get online to get away from their reality...those people are always different...some people just want to meet people any way they can...and those are usually very true to themselves.

    3. For me? the difference in persona is simple. I'm legally deaf, so the social ability that I can utilise in an online platform, never quite works for me in real I stated in number one....I miss a I seem quiet, shy, even disconnected when really i'm just trying to keep up...

    4. it is if anonymity is what you are going for with the intent to recreate yourself as someone else other than what you are....however sometimes it offers people a chance to be REAL...really them...and that is awesome....and of course...sometimes it just allows us to be what we are...24/7...because we are awesome like that...

    hope these answers help.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    - Are you different online vs offline?
    Nope, I am the same both online and offline. I have no reason to be any different in either life, either you like me or you don't.

    - Are other people you've met different from one platform to the other?
    Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    - If there is a difference in persona for you and/or others, why is that?
    Some people use the internet to be who they really want to be but are too scared to do it "in real life". By that I mean they are way more assertive online because they know they are not going to get punched in the face for being a douche online and in real life it can happen.

    - Is anonymity the root of all evil on the Internet?
    Most of the time yup.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    well, I am short and fat in real life.
    You're just saying that to turn me on.