do you have a personal trainer?

i need some motivation. i am good with having appointments and not shirking responsibilities when others are expecting me so i've been thinking of getting a personal trainer. do any of you use one? what do you think if the experience? is it worth the price? how much do you pay?


  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    When I had originally began my weight training back in 2008, I hadn't lifted weights in over 20 years (since high school). My apartment complex's gym had a lot of machines that I wasn't familiar with nor was I familiar with which exercises to do. Like you, I knew that if I hired a personal trainer, I would show up for the appointment. He helped me get over my lack of knowledge of doing the exercises and using the gym equipment. Also, he was there to correct my form.

    Currently, I dont use a trainer. After working with a trainer for about a year, I had sufficient knowledge to work out on my own. I'm not saying that you are looking at a 1 yr commitment when hiring a trainer, but very likely you'll be with the trainer for at least 3-6 months. However, that personal trainer and I have become friends and I can always ask his opinion on exercising, nutrition, etc.

    For me, it was well worth it to hire a personal trainer. It guaranteed that I would be in the gym to lift 3x/week. My trainer helped me overcome my lack of knowlege regarding which exercises to do, correct form, etc. Although one can find numerous demonstrations of exercises online that will show the correct form. For me, I am too lazy to do all that work myself.

    As for price, I paid $50/hr. In Houston, $40-$70/hr seems to be the going rate for a trainer to train you out of your gym. I am not familiar as to what the trainers who work out of their gym (Bally's, etc) charge.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    thanks. that was a really helpful response :-)
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    I work with a personal trainer twice a week. I pay $45 an hour. Well worth the money! He keeps me motivated and has me doing things I never thought I would be able to do.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've been working with a personal trainer for almost two years now, and I find them(I've had three) super beneficial.

    I would not have started lifting weights if it wasn't for a personal trainer, and I prob. wouldn't look as good as I currently do if it wasn't for the PT either.
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    I have been with a personal trainer for 4 months now. I would have never done weights if it wasn't for him. (Even with him, I didn't want to go to the weight section of the gym). He encourages me and pushes me. We have become quite good friends. When I whine and say I can't do it, he gets me to do it. I have cursed and called him names but he just keeps me going/pushing me/encouraging me. I ask him how he puts up with me. He laughs and says I'm a challenge. Worth every penny.
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Ive worked with a trainer for about 6mths, I've found its definitely worth the money, so far as I have been pushed further than I would have pushed myself, I have also done different exercises ie lifting weights/pull ups/negative pull ups than I would have ever done if I was training by myself.

    It can become expensive, I generally pay around $32 for 1/2hr, but its money well spent.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Yes. I prefer it. Actually I am one. Oh wait, I run a personal training company.... and I still have a trainer!
  • I find it SO much easier to skip out on the gym if I no one knows but me. ;) I currently have a trainer with whom I meet twice per week. He definitely pushes me to do things I would never attempt on my own. Perhaps more importantly though, I find that if someone is expecting me at the gym once or twice each week, not only will I keep my appointments, but I'm more likely to go more often when I DON'T have an appointment (4 to 5 times per week). If no one's expecting me, I quickly fall into missing multiple days in a row which become weeks then months until I stop going all together. I know I should have enough self motivation to hit the gym regularly without the scrutiny of my trainer, but if shame is what it takes to keep me on track then so be it!!!
  • laurenmcallister
    laurenmcallister Posts: 37 Member
    My family owns part of a personal fitness studio in a different town than I live now, and I think that type of trainer is definitely worth it. You have all the equipment in the world for your own personal use for your appointment time, and the rates are a lot lower (depending on trainer $40-$60/hr) than what I get charged here at the big box gyms in Ottawa (I was quoted - no joke - $13,000 for the year from a goodlife trainer, or 33% of my GROSS salary at the time... yeah. She was great, but I enjoy being able to purchase food and pay for my rent...). So that may be an option in your area!
  • Just started 4 weeks ago. Twice a week for a half hour. Makes a huge difference! I weight train with her 2x a week and cardio 2-3x a week.

    The one thing I will mention that I was unaware when I started working with my trainer--- you will not lose weight right away. This was shocking to me.

    She told me from the very beginning that I might actually 'gain' and not to be worried. When adding weights/strength training, there is water weight involved as your muscles recover. It took 3 weeks for the scale to move and I was BEYOND frustrated.. but I was losing inches. It did not make sense to me at first, but I read up on DOMS and have learned to be a bit more patient. I am seeing definition but am 100% always 'up' on the scale for 2 days after working with her.

    If you can afford it, get a trainer. 2x a week is more than enough.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    It's made a world of difference for me, first of all just by getting me there. I am like you and I will honor commitments to others, so I show up each time. I love to run, but the gym is a different story, and I had excuse after excuse and hardly went until I got a trainer. I pay $35/hour but it's not one-on-one, it's a group of 2 or 3 of us. Which is fine -- seeing my friends is even more motivation, and we each still get plenty of attention.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    A trainer typically takes your weight, measurements, and baseline performance (like number of pushups and situps in one minute) at the beginning and then periodically through your work with them, maybe every 8 weeks or so. The results will be right there for you to see for yourself. I got amazing arm definition and improved endurance after about 3 months of 2-3x/week. I didn't lose much weight (I didn't work with him to lose, really) but could see for myself: from 3 pushups to 25 in one minute, from 45 situps to 70 in one minute. I loved our visits on a personal level but pretty much hated every minute of the session (I never push myself and he did) but it was 45 minutes and then it was over. I had a protruding abdomen after having kids and it was back in line after working with him. I got better prices for investing more up front but ranged from $45-55/45 min. He comes to my house as well. It's worth every penny but I don't use him continuously due to the cost (I have kids' activities to pay for, too :)). If I can spend 12-16 sessions in a short time period every year (kinda like a bootcamp), it seems I can continue on my own in between.
  • simplydawnb
    simplydawnb Posts: 6 Member
    Oh. My. Goodness. I've struggled for years, but hired a personal trainer (owns his own crossfit-style gym without mirrors or barely-dressed women running around) back in June. Since June, I've lost more than 50 pounds! He is incredible. He motivates me. He believes in me. He pushes me. All the while, I never leave feeling defeated or inadequate. I'm healthier, stronger and more confident than I've ever been in my life. In addition to training with him, he reads my food log every single week. I pay $40/session, and started at three times per week...and now I'm addicted. I don't think I'll ever leave him...he's incredible.
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    i need some motivation. i am good with having appointments and not shirking responsibilities when others are expecting me so i've been thinking of getting a personal trainer. do any of you use one? what do you think if the experience? is it worth the price? how much do you pay?

    I LOVED my personal trainer - sometimes it's the only way I would go to the gym with work, tiredness, and laziness. I also like being accountable to someone else and I feel like I'm willing to push myself to meet someone else's expectations whereas by myself I'd underestimate my limits. Plus, it's nice to have someone who knows how to put together a comperhensive and intesifying program for you.

    Price is usually dependent on the gym and the trainer. For me at my gym, it cost $50 per 1-hour session...I did two 1-hour sessions a week and eight 1-hour sessions in a month to equate to $400/month. I had the option of doing 30-minutes sessions instead (at a lesser price) and the more sessions per week you do, the "lesser" the price per session.

    I think a lot of what you need to consider as well when finding a trainer is your chemistry. For me, my trainer was like one of the guys/friends I would have hung out with in college, so it was a very natural relationship and I trusted his opinions and high expectations. We joked and got along well, which made the time pass quickly, but he still kicked my butt!

    Anywho, I hope the above helps and good luck with your decision. It couldn't hurt to try it once a week for a month to feel it out and then, if it's not what you expected, you could always part ways.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have a personal trainer. Her name is Haley & she is VERY well worth the price! Shes 13 and BOY is she strict! She is my biggest motivator and cheering section!!!!

  • backinaction
    backinaction Posts: 28 Member
    I currently workout with a trainer once a week for 60 min. It is $72.00 an hour as it is an elite gym with very good trainers.

    There are two reasons for a trainer that I have in my mind (others may disagree). I have been in both situations and found a trainer who works for each.

    1) You need accountability for showing up to the gym on a consistent basis and to get yourself to do a proper workout. I did this for 6 months with a trainer and went 3 times a week. If this is what you want I would be less worried about the trainer as what you really are looking for is the commitment to the gym.

    2) I am now in a situation where I go to the gym 5-6 times a week (sometimes two a days for cardio/lift) and have no issue doing it. I now have a trainer who is more experienced and only go with him once a week to continue developing my routine which I do on my own. I am paying more for a trainer now as this is about the workout and less about the commitment. My current trainer only recommends once a week and if someone wants more he says go to a cheaper trainer. He will see me 10 times in 10 weeks and by then I should only need a "check-up" twice a year.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    no, i wish!, no money to hire one right now.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I just started going back to my p/t & I LOVE it. The time goes so quickly & I always work up a sweat. I do a 10 min warm up & then I train for 30 minutes.

    It does make you accountable, well for me it does. I NEVER cancel my sessions. I think I may have once & that was because I had a sick baby. I feel like a lame *kitten* if I cancel without a valid excuse.

    My p/t makes me pay up front. So I just forked out $620 for 20 sessions so that works out to be $31 for 30 minutes. I'm in Oz, not sure where you live so it may be cheaper or dearer for you? Good luck with what ever you decide on doing :flowerforyou:
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    I am a personal trainer! That being said, the trainers at my gym train the trainers all the time. That's how we get our best training in. :)
  • I think my gym charges about 45 or 50 dollars an hour, but it seems like the majority of the people just meet with their trainer every few weeks, not multiple times a week. That can really add up! I meet with my trainer maybe once a month, she sees how I have progressed, and then suggests what to change or do next. I wouldn't have even ventured into weights at all with out her. I think if you are looking at doing weights it would be best to have a trainer, atleast for the the start as you want to learn how to do things correctly. Also a good resource for nutrition and any other questions as someone else pointed out. As far as motivation? Yeah... it's my boyfriend's mom... who also owns the gym... you hear about it if you don't come in lol!!!