Weight GAIN

angelaspring Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I need help! I have been eating healthy and working out for the past 2 weeks. Eating about 1200 calories a day and the first week doing a lot of cardio... I lost 6 lbs YAY! Then the 2nd week i started strength training.. got a personal trainer but also doing a lot of cardio (kickboxing, zumba, running, dancing) .. i weigh myself on the same day, morning and with minimal clothes... but this week i gained 2 lbs!!! How does this happen? I am really discouraged cause i have never worked out like i am doing now and i thought i was doing so good? Can someone offer me insight on why i would gain weight? i dont think i did enough strength training (1 day) for me to gain enough muscle to make me gain weight?


  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    there could be a few reasons for this.... your dreaded period... that ALWAYS gives me a 2-4 pound increase!!! and if you just started stregnth training you could be gaining muscle!!! keep at it!! it will get better!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I think it's just all about your body trying to adjust to all the changes. It might be in shock so to speak, going from not working out, eating more calories, not enough water, etc..to all of a sudden all of these things at once. Give it time to adjust and I am sure you will be more than pleased!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I actually just posted something like this in my blog, so I'm just copying and pasting from there...

    " Actually, and I was going to mention this in the blog entry anyways (I got derailed by my unexpected visitor)... even if things hadn't worked out the way they had, I probably would have blamed the lack of weight loss on water retention anyways, caused by all the exercise I've been doing.

    See, I weight myself every morning, at the same time, under the same circumstances. I think this is important to do because I'm still learning about my body, eating well, exercising, and healthy living in general. I think it's good to see weight fluctuations and learn to understand them. What causes them, what's natural, etc. For example, if I eat a salty meal one night, the scale will go up the next day without fail. I drink a bunch of water, it goes back down. From that, I learn about how sodium affects water retention.

    Because I weigh myself so often, I have noticed that, in the days following a lot of exercise, I always seem to weigh more. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, so I actually posted a question about weight gain after exercise to the board yesterday. When I didn't get a response, I researched it online. This is what I came across:

    -An intense workout, especially one with weight-lifting, can cause the body to retain water because water is attending to those muscles that are working overtime. Strengthening muscles or muscles that have been pulled or torn are areas where water travels to in order to heal.

    -If you did not previously have a routine workout and then started a high-intensity workout, your body can go into a sort of shock-like state. This extra stress has your body collecting nutrients and water to protect it. When you keep a routine workout, the body will get used to this sort of exercising and adjust.

    (From: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5579501_do-retain-water-after-exercise_.html) "
  • Are you eating 1200 calories even when you workout? If so you might not be eating enough. 1200 calories is the minimum number of calories you should have in a day. If you are working out on top of such a low calorie number your body could be going onto starvation mode. If thats the case everything you eat your body will store it and it won't burn the extra calories efficiently.
  • As I believe someone else stated it could be muscle gain... muscle is much denser than fat and therefore weighs much more... I had the same situation when I first started working out a few years ago... I lost at first and then I gained once or twice... I was just told that it was muscle I was building as my body fat percentage was going down but my weight went up... hope this helps and keep at it... you will start to lose again...
  • I actually just posted something like this in my blog, so I'm just copying and pasting from there...

    " Actually, and I was going to mention this in the blog entry anyways (I got derailed by my unexpected visitor)... even if things hadn't worked out the way they had, I probably would have blamed the lack of weight loss on water retention anyways, caused by all the exercise I've been doing.

    See, I weight myself every morning, at the same time, under the same circumstances. I think this is important to do because I'm still learning about my body, eating well, exercising, and healthy living in general. I think it's good to see weight fluctuations and learn to understand them. What causes them, what's natural, etc. For example, if I eat a salty meal one night, the scale will go up the next day without fail. I drink a bunch of water, it goes back down. From that, I learn about how sodium affects water retention.

    Because I weigh myself so often, I have noticed that, in the days following a lot of exercise, I always seem to weigh more. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, so I actually posted a question about weight gain after exercise to the board yesterday. When I didn't get a response, I researched it online. This is what I came across:

    -An intense workout, especially one with weight-lifting, can cause the body to retain water because water is attending to those muscles that are working overtime. Strengthening muscles or muscles that have been pulled or torn are areas where water travels to in order to heal.

    -If you did not previously have a routine workout and then started a high-intensity workout, your body can go into a sort of shock-like state. This extra stress has your body collecting nutrients and water to protect it. When you keep a routine workout, the body will get used to this sort of exercising and adjust.

    (From: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5579501_do-retain-water-after-exercise_.html) "

    thanks! this is awesome.. i am doing both things so i guess that is the reason... i am going to stick with it cause i know it makes me feel good and i have great energy and that is all that matters... it just helped me realize not to base my weight around the scale
  • 4healys
    4healys Posts: 44
    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this or not because I didn't read the whole thread, but more than likely it's what they call on The Biggest Loser "The Week 2 Curse." Google it and you can find some info about it from the show. It's just your body adjusting basically. Keep up the good work and you should be pleasantly surprised next week.
  • I don't know if anyone else mentioned this or not because I didn't read the whole thread, but more than likely it's what they call on The Biggest Loser "The Week 2 Curse." Google it and you can find some info about it from the show. It's just your body adjusting basically. Keep up the good work and you should be pleasantly surprised next week.

    thanks!! i will look it up! lets hope next week is better
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