Whats your go to bfast and lunch?

Do you have a go-to breakfast and lunch? Please share I need new ideas.


  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Nothing. I don't start eating till 6PM :)
  • baker150
    baker150 Posts: 112 Member
    I have been having plain old Cheerio's for breakfast, with some almond or coconut milk. And for lunch I either have smoothies or tomato sandwiches :)
  • serenefractal
    serenefractal Posts: 16 Member
    I've been doing oatmeal with soy milk because it's so healthy, but I am getting bored of it. Just bought some agave nectar - will see if that perks things up.
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with canadian bacon

    lunch - chicken breast, raw fresh veggies (lots), apple, and 14 almonds (yes, I count them).

    Boring, yes. But it works for me.
  • for breakfast i usually have oats, honey and banana or walnuts or nut butter

    for lunch i usually have bread, lettuce, carrot, meat and cheese

  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    Go to breakfast is a 2 egg omelet with some cheese or leftovers from previous night. Lunch is always a great big salad with a can of tuna or salmon or I make sure I cook enough the previous night so I have leftovers to just grab from the fridge if I'm short on time. I eat primal so basically think in terms of protein and veges.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Oatmeal for breakfast and PBJ on wheat and a yogurt for lunch :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    clif bar (usually coconut or peanut butter) and coffee
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Breakfast is tough for me as I truly have no appetite but it's super important to eat something. I usually have a granola bar or some raisins or fruit. Sometimes yogurt or a small bowl of cheerio's.

    Lunch I usually have soup, some sort of lean cuisine or leftover chicken/steak and veggies
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    I need real food. Breakfast: I like sandwich thins with a serving of egg beaters and sauteed spinach. I put a garlic herb laughing cow on the toasted thin. Add hot sauce.

    Lunch - lots of veggies. Some raw, some cooked. Protein (usually chicken or fish) and some sort of carb. Could be a roll, tortilla or part of a soft pretzel.
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    Oatmeal with banana and honey for breaky and 2egg omelette with mushroom,zuchini and parmesan cheese Yummy. I am a creature of habit!
  • Breakfast - Quaker Weight control oatmeal

    Lunch - spinach salad with broiled chicken, a little goat cheese, craisins and white balsamic dressing.

    I try to change things up, but end up going back to the routine.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Breakfast: Ham, egg white, and cheese on toast or english muffin.

    Lunch: Soup, leftovers, tuna, salad
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    For the past year b-fast alternates between two choices.

    B-fast A: Bowl grits (either instant packet or made from 1/4 cup dry instant grits), 1/2 english muffin, 1 T Better N' Peanut Butter, 10 almonds, 3 prunes, Acitivia Light

    B-fast B: 1 cup Kashi Go Lean Original (LOVE THIS!!!), 1 cup skim milk, 1/2 english muffin, 1 T Better N' PB, 10 almonds, 3 prunes

    Honestly I love the Kashi Go Lean and would do it every day but I'm afraid I will get tired of it. Some go-to of my past were...

    Van's lite waffle (2), 1 T Better N' Peanut Butter, 1/2 banana, Activia Light
    Plain Oatmeal, 1 T skippy reduced fat peanut butter, 1/2 banana, 1 cup Simply Start Skim Chocolate Milk

    And from my running days post run
    1 Thomas Bagel, 1 T peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 cup skim milk

    For lunch it's always the same:
    Turkey sandwich with cucumbers and spinach (cucumbers rock on a sandwich), 1 cup honeydew, 1 T sliced olives, 5 almonds, 1/2 cup PB cheerios, and yogurt
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    chobani with some granola mixed in...
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Breakfast - super smoothie with frozen fruit, banana, milk or yogurt, peanut butter... OR 2 egg whites and half a grapefruit OR all bran with sliced banana OR banana egg white pancakes

    Lunch - salads with tuna or chicken OR wraps OR soup if it's a cold day
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    Breakfast is usually a peanut butter and apple with ground flax on a whole wheat tortilla.

    Lunch is usually a big salad with light ranch, yogurt, and either a cheese stick or fruit.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Breakfast is one or 2 of the following: fat free cottage cheese with fruit. English muffin with one egg white and a slice of bordens fat free sharp cheddar cheese, or oatmeal with fruit. AND I have to have my 2 cups of black coffee with splenda. AND an oikos 4oz fat free greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom which is only 90 calories. I typically eat starting at 7am spread out till 10am. Never eat all of this at one time. I spread it out over a few hours while I'm getting my morning going, getting kids off to school, going for my morning walk etc.

    Lunch is usually a large salad with cut up grilled boneless skinless chicken breast or a grilled piece of salmon and whatever low cal dressing I have in the house. Or I'll slice up my chicken breast and put it on rye bread with romaine lettuce and slices of tomato and sometimes a slice of bordens fat free sharp cheddar cheese.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    My homemade breakfast casseroles
    Leftovers :happy:
  • maureen7343
    maureen7343 Posts: 4 Member
    Breakfast - 1/4 All Bran Buds mixed into Strawberry Activia Yogurt

    Lunch - Roast Turkey on Multigrain bread with tomato and light mayo
    OR Isagenix Vanilla Shake