Do you plan your meals in advance?



  • loztredders
    I tend to plan my day the night before, I plan all my meals and tend to leave a little calorie lee way for if I get an intense craving or something.
    This means I remember to take meat out freezer to defrost in time and also that I'm not coming home from work at 6.30 starving with no plan for dinner.
    Sundays are more relaxed though and I tend to just go with what I fancy really.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I love meal planning! I think a tiny bit of me is obsessive compulsive. I love measuring out exactly how much is going to be in everything I make & eat. Yeah, if I didn't plan I'd be a lot less successful.
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    I try to. Sometimes it's hard depending on they day. Also if my roommates get home before I do sometimes they make dinner and they're not exactly geared towards healthy food. But at least they're nice enough to cook for me.
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey!! Yes, I plan my meals in advance. I go to the store several times a week but have all of my meals written out. Sunday's I cook 3 days worth of food for my husband and myself and store them in containers in the fridge. That way I can focus on making my meals for my kids during the week. Wednesday I cook the next three days of food and have everything read to grab in the fridge. I know most people do freeze their meals, but I'm terrible at remembering to pull them out to thaw. This helps me stay on track with my diet because the food is already cooked and I hate wasting it, so I will eat it before splurging for random unhealthy food. If you need help on what to cook, let me know :)
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi yes I plan my meals in advance, it just helps to keep me on track and so far it seems to be working:smile:
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    Yes I try to so that I know what I need when I go to the store. I also pre-log food so that I know how many calories I have to play with for snacks!
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    i plan a weeks worth of meals in advance, then make a grocery list and i try to follow it as close as possible. I also track meals and snacks at night on MFP and then stick to it the next day. If i did things on impulse i dont think i`d do so well.
  • emotionalharlequin
    I plan on MFP so I can meet my macros. Helps A LOT.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I do, I to a loose monthly idea of what we may eat so I can do a big shop but do a stricter plan weekly. It not only helps keep me on track with what I eat but it helps me be oganised for meal times, it is a rush when I get in at 17.30 to get a meal on the table, get OH up and fed before he leaves the house at 19.15 for work. I often pre prep a lot beforehand so planing is essential, I also find that actually planning meals helps keep the grocey bill down as preplanning allows me to buy in bulk, take advantage of offers etc and batch cook. We do a weekly shop for veggies and fresh stuff also,
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Yes i plan every night b4 i go to bed. I do a big shop on a sunday and buy all the ingredients i need to do me for the week. i dont like eating and counting as i go.
  • Deev79
    Deev79 Posts: 74 Member
    Absolutely!! I always plan my meals a week in advance. This way, I take stock of what I have on hand, then plan for any meals that can be made out of these items. This reduces waste and saves me money at the store, because when you plan this way, it's amazing how you suddenly only need to buy just a few items instead of a whole cartful! Plus, this keeps it fresh in my mind what healthy things I have around the house, which helps to cut out those impulse calories. I don't know about you, but when I'm hungry or emotional, I just grab the first thing I see...creativity in the kitchen goes out the window at those moments.

    Websites like allow you to type in ingredients you already have and then it gives you recipes you can make with those items... you might check that out.

    Anyway, the way I do it is on Sundays I look at what I have, devise a plan, and map out which days of the week we'll have what (based on what we have going on each day and the ease of the meal). Then I make my grocery list and head to the store! I only plan out dinners b/c I don't have too much trouble throwing together left-overs and such for lunches. But I usually do plan out at least one recipe I can make that will be good for breakfasts throughout the week.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!
  • kskroch
    kskroch Posts: 288 Member
    I do all or most of my cooking and prep on the weekends, I bought a bunch of new rubbermaid containers and they are just fine in the fridge through the workweek. I pre-make my salads except for things that get 'mushy' like cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I cook meat on the weekends that will last several days (usually one on Saturday and one on Sunday that last 2 or 3 days each), then I cook different veggies during the week so that I'm not eating the same thing every day, but I live alone, so eat a lot of the same stuff. That's just for dinner, tho. I eat about the same thing for breakfast or I swap out two things, and if I'm at work during the day, I eat lunch out. If at home, I have veggies or something I might eat for breakfast or dinner another day. Usually shop on Sundays and sometimes go again on Wednesday or Thursday to pick up more veggies/fruits.