how do i get out of this weightloss plateua

i am 143 and been in the 144-143 range for about 4 to 5 weeks . over the summer i began eating 1500 calories and exercising once a day for 30 minutes and was losing 1 pound per week . i went down to 1100-1200 and was losing 1 1/2 to 3 pounds per week . i heard that a way to get past your plateua is to work out harder . well when i went back to school august 27 i started exercising 1nce in the morning ( 30 minute aerobics) , in weigh training class (30 40 minutes of 10 exercises 3 sets each) and playing 25-40 minutes of basketball . this last week i went back up to 1500 calories and did less exercise and i stoped intermitent fasting . because i thought my metabolism would change up and i would begin losing weight again . so what do i do ? ( ps you can look at my diary and tell me that i eat to much pre packed foods and not enough vegetable , but those food worked for me the whole time and btw i started at 174 so i lost 31 pounds so far) HELPP


  • Bluescat1
    Bluescat1 Posts: 207 Member
    There is no such thing as "plateua" it's just a word used for an excuse for no progress. Change up the meals and work outs, stay motivated. ( This is what I tell myself, it's just my opinion.)
    I have to say that i can't exercise as i am bad with a few slipped discs.I am losing around 2lbs a week.I dont eat a lot of processed foods at all as they are full of salt.So the only advice i can offer is go fresh foods for a week.Fill half of your plate with veg or salad and try with steamed fish and meats.Drink loads of water,to flush out the salts etc
    Maybe the amount of exercise you are doing and the amount of salt you are taking in with processed foods could be that you are holding water ...I am no expert at all,but give it a try xxx
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    There are loads of tactics people take to 'break' through plateaus. How long have you been dieting? Might I suggest you take a couple of weeks to just eat at maintainence and have a moderate amount of exercise (because it is good for you) before ramping it up again.

    That said, you can search the forums and see what worked for lots of other people. The body is a complex thing and any number of things could be stalling your weight loss. Good luck!
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    I see a lot of processed carbs. I'm not anti-carbs by ANY stretch of the imagination, but I think it would help to get more of them from fresh fruits and vegetables and increase your protein ratio. MFP has the protein set lowish. You can change your settings to reflect a higher protein ratio. Protein feeds your muscles -- and that is your fat burning engine. Time to nix the pretzels as a snack.
  • Gigglie_01
    Gigglie_01 Posts: 29 Member
    When I hit my plateau a few weeks ago, I was reading where it said eat 2-300 calories more than what your supposed to for 2-3 days and then go back to where your supposed and it is supposed help. I tried it first hand and it did help
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Change it up. Try eating more frequently smaller meals to keep metabolism up. Drink more water? Didn't see how much water you are drinking. I think processed foods do tend to have more sodium which retains weight. More fiber could help. Don't give up! Some of my favorite snacks are pickled beets (eat whole jar for 80 cal.) frozen bananas, balance bars, smoothies made with protein powder and almond milk. Don't know how healthy all the above are but it can't be too bad and low sodium. Am sure there are more, I just started 3 weeks ago. Been losing average of 2 lbs a week. Got cauliflower and brocolli for my tv snack tonight. Just keeping making good choices.

    Sometimes I wake up hungry at 2 at night and will have a Balance bar. They taste like candy bars to me. Probably not the best choice but they do have lots of good nutrients and taste yummy.

    Whatever works. Just don't give up!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi !

    I run into trouble when I eat foods loaded with sodium, as well as "carby" stuff like breads, pasta, white potatoes ....... I still have them, but less often ...... and I eat tons of veggies now instead .....

    You've gotten lots of good advice already ...... now go experiment & see what works for you .......

    Best of luck :drinker: