Auzzies and NZ

spramn Posts: 67 Member
Hello All,

Anyone from OZ or NZ here?

Looking for some more friends on here, esp. interested in peoples on bulking muscle programs for food ideas (around 2500 to 3000 cal a day).


  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    Yes! I'm an Aussie, loud and proud. :)
    Far North Queenslander! :D

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hello!

    I'm from Perth
    I'm not bulking up, but I am toning up!

    Anyone can add me :)

    I'd like more Aussie friends because I want to see what aussies eat to stay healthy/get fit, since all my American friends eat strange foods or food that we just don't have here haha