food poisoning eating chili?

Why would you get sick 2 years in a row or for sure 2 separate years at fundraiser chili feed sponsored by the same group? Last year I went to our football game chili feed, I had a bowl of 1/2 spicy & 1/2 regular chili with hamburger meat & beans with shredded cheddar cheese. This year with the memory of it, I decided it was from mixing the two different batches of chili, so I just had 1 bowl of chili and beans with shredded cheddar cheese. I am not sure if I had a bar or dessert last year, but this I ate a long john with chocolate icing on it. This was at 6 pm and by 1 a.m. I was feeling a sick knot like in my gut and bowls and at 4 a.m. I got really really hot and had to go bathroom. I stood up and that is when the head flush sickly feeling hit me. I ended up cleaning my bowls and just vomited one throw up of chili, no urge to do more, which was only a little bit. Last year I was sick for 2-3 days, but I did not throw up, but really needed to throw up, I could not eat for 3 days, and was nauseous and stomach pains extreme. I was keeping up a fitness program both years. A note to say: the shredded cheddar cheese sits out in a styrofoam dish warm from the air, not kept cool. I would just like to know if chili in a roaster is an easy to get food poisoning? I don't know last years situation of exercise or not. The chili was made in those huge rectangle roaster metal pan/oven etc. I have no idea when it was made or how long it sits in the roaster. It just bothers me, 2 years in a row I have gotten sick! I hate this kind of being sick! I hate any kind of being sick!! lolz! Thanks for any discussion, etc


  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi this may not be the same thing but slightly related chillis are peppers now if I eat any kind of peppers I will have a similar reaction to you although I dont get sick I feel terrible get diorrhea and have crippling stomach pains,my doctor told me that although it would not necessarily be food poisoning that would affect everyone it is personal to me,you might check out if anyone else was sick if not I think I would avoid chilli and see how you get on!
  • Lighthouse2God
    Lighthouse2God Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the reply post, and suggestion! Yeah I don't think I will eat chili and beans etc unless I know/see the person make and then I will see If it makes me ill. I pray not, cause I do like chili.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Yeah...that's why I stay far away from "dinners" like that. Who knows how people prepare things, what their hygiene is like, or what ingredients they use. I am soooo not willing to risk my health for that kind of stuff.