Fluctuating Weight

I weigh myself every day at the same time (in the morning right when I get up) ... The other day I was 163, today I'm 164.. and sometimes it just goes up & down like that. It really makes me unmotivated because I want to see weight loss..not be fluctuating all the time. I work out every day and try to eat very healthy each day.

Is there any reason why you guys think I am fluctuating so much?
What types of things have helped you lose weight?


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    you will always go up and down every single day. It all depends on what you eat, how much, how much sodium is in it, how much water you drink, etc etc
    I also weigh myself daily to keep myself accountable but i don't fret over 1 or 2 lbs up as i know it's just water weight and it WILL come off in a day or two... You can't gain weight that quick, it will always be water weight.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You are just seeing water weight fluctuations. Look at your weight trend over a longer period than 24 hours and don't be concerned about blips up and down in the short term. They just don't matter. Eat at a deficit to lose, say 1 lb per week. It will not be linear. You will lose none some weeks more other weeks. To depend on short term results is to set yourself up for frustration and discouragement.
  • KairielNadari
    KairielNadari Posts: 10 Member
    i was doing that too, i started trying to weigh less often, like every Monday only, or every 2 weeks to see a general trend, because certain foods seem to weigh you down longer and water weight etc messes up your daily stuff. Keep at the healthy, the weight will go down very soon. Try to cut back on daily weighing. Hard to do when you are health obsessed! :)
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    you will always go up and down every single day. It all depends on what you eat, how much, how much sodium is in it, how much water you drink, etc etc
    I also weigh myself daily to keep myself accountable but i don't fret over 1 or 2 lbs up as i know it's just water weight and it WILL come off in a day or two... You can't gain weight that quick, it will always be water weight.

    Very helpful cause I was wondering the same thing. I'm guilty of weighing near bout everyday too. I ate a little too much sodium at dinner last night, so I'm sure it's just water weight.

    Just drink lots of water, watch what your eating (pay attention to sodium!) and have a good workout :) Good Luck!
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    I am terrible about weighing myself everyday too but we have got to quit it. Your body will naturally fluctuate everyday and if you are working out AND sore from that your muscles retain water.... which on a scale looks like weight gain. Don't get discouraged. I always think of it like this when I don't lose in a week or something " Hey body it's not an option you WILL change cause I am working my butt off and you don't get a choice!" hope that helps
  • Thank you guys so much! I was so discouraged...but this helps a lot! thanks!
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    Weight loss generally happens slowly with ALOT of fluctuations. Many things cause fluctuations - sodium intake, food sensitivities, TOM, etc.

    If you are the type of person who finds it difficult to see these fluctuations and take it in stride, feeling confident you are on the right track (eating right, keeping calories below daily calories burned & exercising), then you should consider weighing less often. Once a week perhaps. Even then you will see fluctuations my dear.

    How do you work through it?

    You remind yourself 2 months ago you weighed 5 lbs more than you do today; that you feel stronger and lighter than you first started; that your skin glows more; that it will feel great when your pants are loose enough that you need a new (smaller) pair, etc..

    Is it frustrating sometimes that your weight loss isn't a lovely linear line? Yes but the trend is downwards and onwards to your goal weight :)

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member

    An excellent write up on weight fluctuations. A lot of math, but remember you shove about 13 pounds of food and water into your body on a daily basis, and your system does not eliminate the same amount daily. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot so your body even when you are at your goal your weight can fluctuation 5-7 pounds. The key thing is to watch for an upward or downward trend. This site does the math for you and shows you if you are trending up or down or stable over time. http://physicsdiet.com
  • My weight fluctuates by about 5lbs, usually on a Monday being the heaviest and by Friday I'm back to my lowest weight.... Can't you tell I enjoy my weekends :-D

    edited to say - obviously I know this isn't fat weight, just water and other ermm waste from indulging a little too much Saturday nights and hangover eating on Sundays. Lol