healthy eating for the picky eater!

I Am truly trying to eat better and add more vegs into my diet... buti LOVE carbs! The only vegs that i really
Like are green leaf lettuce, baby spinnach, brocilli, carrots, peppers, tomatos and cucumbers..annything else makes me gag!

Any advice for me from other picky eaters trying to eat better?


  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I don't eat much of anything. My day to day eating is pretty much the same. I just watch my calorie intake and that seems to work for me. My friends in high school used to joke "don't ask her what she doesn't eat, ask her what she does-it's a shorter list". I swear I could tell you the foods I like and it's a list of about 20 items.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    As much as you probably don't want to hear this, you can "make" yourself like more foods with practice. I'm quite a picky eater, but I do try to expose myself to new foods or foods I'm not so keen on, and I like a lot more things now than I did 10 years ago (at about your age).

    I'm still not overly fond of veggies, but I find soup's a really good way of getting them in, or adding them to pasta while it's cooking (I do that with spinach or cabbage for example).

    Also, have you tried roasting vegetables? Gives them a whole new dimension!
  • jgsparks89
    jgsparks89 Posts: 85 Member
    I maintain from previous discussions with friends and family...if you find you don't like most vegetable, then you just haven't found a way you like them cooked. Try incorporating veggies that are not your "favorites" in to soups or pasta sauces, chopped finely or pureed. This gets you the nutrients, and may help you develop a taste for them. I also find that people who eat a lot of processed or prepared foods (pre cooked frozen, restaurant, or packaged) have less of a taste for natural foods because they are accustomed to the flavors created by high levels of sodium or sugar in them. Not sure if that's applicable to you, but often if you cut back on those processed and packaged foods, it allows your taste buds to sort of "reset" and you may find that natural foods taste better to you.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I used to be a picky eater.... But I kinda convinced myself I like more things. Bananas I now love when before thought they were nasty for example. I now love to try new things and cooking things in a variety of ways makes them taste different and consider myself a foodie. Roasted brussel sprouts would never have been on my plate ten years ago but now I look forward to eating them. I think its all in our heads just like so much of the battle on the weight loss journey... make yourself try the things you know are good for you and soon you may like them.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    This isn't advice, just my experience. What fixed my picky eating (not that that was my goal) was low carbing for 10 months. Now I appreciate EVERYTHING, even Kashi cereal that I'm quite certain would have tasted like cardboard a year ago. Getting sugar out of your diet, or even reducing it, will change your taste buds more than you could ever imagine.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I also used to hate to sweat but now I look forward to it! My workouts are one of my favorite parts of my day;)