How do you fill out exercise for ??

When I went to fill out my exercise for the day p90x doesn't come up..

What are you all typing in to report your exercises? Each individual exercise for the day??

Any advice would help...thanks


  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    If you search for something and no results come up go to the bottom of the page. It says can't find your exercise add a costum exercise or something to that extent.

    Do you know how many calories you are burning?
  • Led722
    Led722 Posts: 4 Member
    I am doing Power90 right now and just use the "add exercise to the database" option at the bottom of the screen which shows up after you do a search for the exercise. I just name it after the video I am doing and its based off of minutes of the workout and calories burned.I don't know if you have heart rate monitor but they are super helpful in determining calories.
  • birgithooker
    I looked online to find an estimate about how many calories were burned per workout. I am doingTony's other workout, the Power 90. I had read online when I did a search that based on the meal plan, you have a 600 calorie deficit per day if you do the 45 minute workout. So I set that as my exercize. Well on the video I have not every workout is 45 minutes so I adjust the minutes to how many minutes I actually workout every day. I have no idea if I am accurate, I usually hop on the treadmill for an extra 20 minutes after I do the workout tape just to be safe. But to count it every day I just added my own exercize.
  • birgithooker
    I'd be interested to know how many cals you burn doing the Power90.
  • Led722
    Led722 Posts: 4 Member
    birgithooker, on the cardio/abs one on Power90 I burn about 700 cals according to my HR monitor on level III-IV but I also weigh quite a bit so I am burning more cals than the average person would. I would guess that the 600 cals is pretty accurate for for the average person. I am guess. Hope this helps!