I wish I liked to exercise :(



  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    You have to exercise in order to like exercise, not the way around. Try running or riding a stationary bike but not under 50 mins and wait for the endorphines to come and posess you.. lol
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Fake it 'till you make it.

    Nobody out of shape likes to exercise. Things change.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    just do it. it's only an hour at most.

    in general i love exercising (well i love weight lifting and Tabata style stuff) but there are some aspects i HATE. i hate cardio, i hate stretching, i hate yoga but i still do them because they are good for my body and my recovery from weight lifting.

    what i'd suggest is to find something you do love doing and making that your main workout. that way when you can add the other stuff you dont like as seasonings. try pole dancing, belly dancing, capoeira, martial arts, fencing, rock climbing, gymnstics, etc. it doesnt just have to be stuff on a machine.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I have to admit that I am really lazy and don't like working out. I especially dont like weight training but that is what I need most for my goal of toning up. Has anyone gone from not liking it to loving it? I wish I were one of those people who loves being in the gym and looks forward to it. I dont want to dread this every week. Any advice or words of encouragement?

    Some good advice here. I don't think anyone likes it at first. I make sure I have good playlists and I've learned to love how it makes my body feel and look and that is motivating. I know if I stop now, my body will revert back to something I do not want. Keep up the good work, it's hard. Nothing about fitness is easy and there are no such thing as short cuts. Hang in there.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Has anyone gone from not liking it to loving it? I wish I were one of those people who loves being in the gym and looks forward to it.

    I once swore I'd never do abstract, meaningless exercise and would always do a sport in preference for keeping fit.

    However, for efficiency, I've conceded that there's no substitute. I could do hours of a sport or 30 minutes of intense gym work to get the sort of body I'm going for.

    Of course, if you love playing sports, then do it as the hours will fly by but for me, I'd rather sit on my big, lazy *kitten*. :laugh: I do participate in sports regularly, still.
  • tersick
    I know it's redundant, but find something you like. Try new things. My husband wants me to train jiu jitsu with him, me = not interested. "Just come to the gym and while I train you can run on the treatdmill or lift weights." me = not happening. But, I do like jogging/running, just not on a treadmill. I go out to an area of wetland trails. Run AND enjoy some beautiful scenery (rain or shine!).

    There are a ton of different types of exercise, and not just ones that drain all your energy within the first 10 minutes; how about basic yoga? Swimming? Walking even. I started working out again by using YourShape on Kinect, just to stay active. I love running 5k's. I feel like running for my health and donating to charity? Win-Win.

    Anyway, there are many ways to stay active. Good luck!