Need calorie guidance – VERY discouraged

About me:
- I am a 5’4.5, 130# female.
- My BMR is around 1300 calories.
- My TDEE is 1800-2100 depending on activity level.
- In the past, I have been a strict cardio girl that would lose weight by eating 1200 calories or less.
- I started lifting weights about 3 months ago.
- I am now doing P90X Classic.

The detailed story:
Around June, I decided to shake life up a bit and start eating more. At this point in time, I was not all that active (exercised maybe 2-3 times per week). I decided to up my calories from 1200 to maintenance (1700-1800 calories due to the lower level of exercise). While my body stabilized, I gained 5 pounds (putting me around 128#) initially but stayed there from there on.

Then I decided to do Chalean Extreme. I continued to eat at 1800 calories but now lifting weight (I figured that I had about 10 weeks at maintenance, so staying at 1800 would now be a deficit). The first month or two went decent; I dropped some inches and body fat, but gained pounds (now up to 130). I was okay with this because of the drop in body fat. By the end of the third month, my measurements barely moved and my body fat had increased back to its starting point and a little higher (weight still at 130). I use one of those electronic devices to determine body fat.

Thinking that maybe Chalean was not enough activity for me (I was doing about 4-5 days), I started P90X two weeks ago. The P90X guide suggests that I eat 1800 calories. Since I had gained body fat, I set my calorie level to 1700. I have been working out HARD for 2 weeks straight. I have done all of the routines, except this week’s yoga (which I plan to make up tomorrow). I have been following the diet pretty close (50%protein, 30%carbs, 20%fat). According to P90X, this is supposed to be a fat shredding diet! I have followed this diet maybe 9 of 12 days. The other 3 days were fairly clean and well balanced. The only flaw is that it might be, at time, slightly high in sodium. My diary is open.

I weighed myself this morning and my weight has not budged (130.5# to be exact) and my body fat is also exactly the same 25.5%. What am I doing wrong??? Some have suggested eating less, dropping calories to 1500. What level would you suggest? All thoughts appreciated. I am burning about 350-450 calories per P90X workout.



  • smbogdanski
    smbogdanski Posts: 1 Member
    hey don't look at the scale so much.Looks like you are toning and replacing fat with muscle ...keep up the good work !!!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    What % are you trying to get down to? I think I am around that %, I'm 5'6" 135 pounds.
    I started with a lot higher body fat % and I think what had the most affect on lowering mine is weightlifting. I'm not exactly sure but I'm thinking P90x is a lot of cardio?
    If you are willing to experiment, perhaps you could try to increase your caloric intake each week while you are on the program. If you are doing a ton of cardio your caloric needs are probably way higher than what you are taking in.
    On a rest day to maintain I need 2600 calories. If I played a couple softball games I would eat around 3000 or so.
    Since you have lost weight on such a low calorie diet in the past you may have to be willing to experience a gain before you can do a proper restriction to lose the fat. You could gain while doing the exercise program but try to make the gain consist of mostly lean muscle, then cut your calories back and lose some more fat.