Eating Things That Aren't Good For You

havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I am amused by people that qualify what they eat by saying, " I know it isn't good for me,but......" This is generally when they are eating or drinking some chemical laden food like diet soda or something equally as evil on a regular basis.

I was reading in my Oxygen magazine and it said the following " Ironically most people feed their pets better foods than they feed themselves. They fuel their cars with the best oil and gasoline while downing soda pop, chocolate-covered donuts, cream soups and cheese-loaded pizzas. And don't even go there with the excessive alcohol consumption."

I'm not saying I'm an angel when it comes to what i eat, but I don't try to justify it. I just try to do my best every day and try to keep the chemicals out of my diet as much as possible.


  • The problem is, we humans like what tastes good...our cars don't care! That's why life needs to be about balance and finding healthier options...most of the time. Yes, I do make unhealthy food choices sometimes...I'm not justifying it. It tastes good, and sometimes, we like that!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :smile: I think it's about balance, being realistic (and honest with yourself) and being conscious of what we put in our mouth. All of which are why I love MFP!

    I (obviously) love wine - as I say, it's better than crack!:laugh: (obviously joking). I try to think about each food choice, and go back over my food choices from previous days and think about what worked and was worth it and what wasn't.

    If I'm eating something "bad" like a piece of cheese cake, I want to slow down and really REALLY enjoy and savor every bit of it. NO MINDLESS EATING (I'm not as passionate about eating fresh greens). I love my glass (or three) of :heart: red wine:heart: , and it's worth it to me to put in extra time on the elliptical to enjoy it!

    I also skipped a meal and snack one day over the holidays so I could have movie popcorn with extra butter- chemicals and crap in it but OMG so good and once a year? Not going to hurt me!

    I have evil co-workers who drop off cookies and chocolates at my desk - if I have any of it I'll take a bite and toss the rest into my garbage can. Sometimes I take a micro nibble, sometimes I only smell it (sad but true!) - but I don't just eat it because it tastes like heaven and it's going to go to waist if I don't:wink:
  • It's all about choices. I figure if I can be healthy and wise 90% of the time I am being good to my body. I know what excessive behavior does to my body and it doesn't feel good in the end. But it tastes good in the moment. I was a smoker for many years and I had a love hate relationship with it. It made me sick, but I loved it too. The difference with this is I don't need cigarettes to survive, but I do need food and I need to think about food as fuel. But depriving myself of everything makes me go crazy so I indulge in the foods I enjoy in moderation. I have been so frustrated with food for all of my life and this time I am taking it one small step at a time and making complete life style changes. Adding small goals weekly! Just remember anything in Excess is bad for you, deprivation is hell and moderation is key :)
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