Looking for help from diabetics out there.

Hey there ladies and gents. I was just wondering if diabetics are okay going by the sugar goals listed on here or if you lower the amount listed? I am not insulin dependent and I am type two when using prednisone...which I am right now. Ideas? Wisdom? Coments? Personal experiences?


  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Honestly...diabetes is too personal for me to give you any helpful advice. :(
    There are diabetics that are diabetic at 197 blood sugar, and then there are diabetics like I was...averaging a blood sugar of 500 (never insulin dependent) plus.
    I would ask your doctor as it's dependent on your blood work and such.
    Blood sugar is not something you want to make a mistake with.

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    High blood sugar is HIGH blood sugar no matter what you want to call it. 197 is NOT good and 500 should land you in the hospital with an Insulin drip. That's CRAZY high.

    Radar....the experts claim to keep your carbs below 50 a meal at any time. Your fasting blood sugars should be below 100. 2 hours after a meal should run between 140 and 180. Ideal blood sugars are between 70 and 120...though these tend to be somewhat fluid depending on who ya talk to. Diabetics should eat little meals frequently.........a small protein based snack just before bed will lesson the risk of low blood sugar during the night as well as diminishing "sunrise syndrome" in the wee morning hours.

    Ive been type 2 for 13 years. My A1c is 5.7 after having a nasty run the last 6 months with a systemic bacterial infection that landed me in the hospital. I have absolute control now thank GOD.

    Please stay in touch with your doctor and take his / her advice over ANYTHING you get on the net. Dont ignore it...it kills slowly.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I've been on metformin for almost two years now, and found thissite care of my dr. I modified my numbers a bit for the carbs because thats my biggest problem. Trying to put more into proteins and good fats. I'm also going to talk with a nutritionist to get their opinion on the best settings for me and my lifestyle and goals so it will be easier to really track on here
  • Radar330
    Radar330 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks. I usually keep it under control very well with diet and exercise but 40 mg of prednisone a day sends it crazy. Yesterday when I woke I was at 107. This morning...83. It seems strange to me to have such a big difference in the morning. I have not been able to pin down what is triggering the difference. Thanks for taking time to respond.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Thanks. I usually keep it under control very well with diet and exercise but 40 mg of prednisone a day sends it crazy. Yesterday when I woke I was at 107. This morning...83. It seems strange to me to have such a big difference in the morning. I have not been able to pin down what is triggering the difference. Thanks for taking time to respond.

    both numbers are quite good for morning Radar. Anything can cause a fluctuation like that. Have you checked it just before bed and then immediately upon rising? You may find that by the time you take it in the morning it's on the rise by sheer nature of the beast......not because you've done something wrong. My A1c in July was almost 9.......it's now 5.7. I usta have fasting sugar of 180 and higher........now its almost always less than 110. Ive had it drop drastically in the night and its scary as hell. Now Im super greatful that my cat--Killer will alert me if it gets much less than 70...especially during the night. (she's a self trained service animal now). She also can detect if for some reason my O2 sats drop or Im not breathing "right". She's my diva!!!

    Good luck Radar....please stay on this......keep good control. I lost both parents and my older brother to this terrible thing