


  • Itsme_Mary
    Itsme_Mary Posts: 17 Member
    Ok.. I want to shake you silly.. In a good way.. Lol.. It's called life. If everyone can go through life and look perfect till the end.. great we wouldn't need MFP!
    Let me tell you a little about me.. I am 5'2" and was at one time 200 lb. yup I was pretty darn fat, I used to constantly beat myself up, I hated the way I looked. I would look in a mirror and see ugly . Seriously. I one time had a relative say they hated fat people! That made me feel even worse.
    Then one day I was kidding around with my husband and said.. I am beautiful, men can't keep their hands of me, and I kept repeating it.. Well I dropped the men part, but I still say daily .. "I am beautiful" .. Eventually you will believe it..
    You have to love yourself first, and ditch the shame, tell yourself on a daily basis how "proud you are to be you"! Totally serious here!
    You don't owe anyone an explanation of anything, not even yourself, it is what it is, NO SHAME. Tomorrow is a new day and you can't do a thing about yesterday!
    It no longer bothers me me that someone hates fat people,that is totally THEIR ISSUE, not mine. I no longer look in the mirror and see ugly. And yes I still need to loose 50 or so lb. this is a great platform to do it. You can do it to. Hugs!
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    I've been there, got out of there and now am back there - I hope that makes sense. I'm back on my journey and am very similar to yours. I can't wait for the day (again) where I can just throw on any clothes and go anywhere and not have to think about how I look and feel good in my own skin. Just know that you are in a great place on MFP and people are here to support you - even strangers that have never met you. Hold your head up, set one goal at a time and you will be well on your way to get what you want out of this life :)
  • skeeter2584
    skeeter2584 Posts: 34 Member
    First off, don't beat yourself up!!! There are plenty of people in the same boat as you, and I myself happen to be one of them. I'm 5'6", and I weighed 200 pounds when I first started losing weight. I too felt bummed out and wished I hadn't waited so long to become healthier (I'm 28 and I'll be 29 in February). Also bear in mind that there are many factors that can cause weight gain. Many people are "emotional eaters" and turn to food when they're feeling spiritually "empty". When someone is under stress, his/her body makes more of a hormone called cortisol which causes the body to store fat. It may be that you were under a great deal of stress from work, school or some other turmoil in your life. It's also possible that the diet/exercise habits of your friends and family "rubbed off on" you during that time. But don't despair - you've already made a conscious choice to get back on the right track, and that's what counts! I wish you the best of luck on the journey to better health. :smile:
  • s4rawberry
    I just want to thank everyone here for being so supportive and understanding. I'm 20 now, and for five years I've just been in this emotional roller coaster that I've desperately been trying to get off of. I'm hopeful that this site, and the community here will be a very important part of my recovery. Again, thank you all! You have no idea how much all of these precious words have meant to me.