How do you run?

I would love to run, but it really hurts my chest, like to the point I can't breath or break through it, I can run a bit in football and I am getting fitter, but I just cannot run for long. I would love to be able to, I am 18st 2lbs so I understand I am carrying a lot of weight but I don't know if it's just me or if I'm expecting too much?


  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Try a couch to 5 k program to ease you into it. If you are still having chest issues, you might want to see a doctor.
  • lexusgirl1
    You need to start w walking, then add some run, eventually alternate walk and run. It took me several weeks of walking to be able to start running.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Are you just trying to run your hardest or are you doing a program?
    I started a couch to 5k program it seems great :)

    I wish you luck :)
  • Sibby123
    Gah, I did try c25k a while back but I couldn't even do the first level! I have joined a gym and I want to try and do it on the treadmill need to download it onto my phone, just wondered if maybe i'm too heavy? I'm on level 2 of 30day shred and my knees kill but I'm sticking at it :), spoke to doctor and I suggester exercise induced asthma but they just gimie an inhaler which don't work/
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    I wish I could run right now but it would be killer on my ankles at 255lbs.
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    stick to the couch to 5k, keep doing what you can until you're able to complete the level. treadmill is fine but it might be better if you did it outside, you would have greater control rather than trying to keep up with a treadmill. I started outside then moved to the gym once I could run a mile consistently.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    When I first started c25k, I struggled with the first week. I was and still am very slow. I was never a runner and didn't think I ever would. But I kept trying. And WOW, I am now on week 7. So I would say, give it another try.

    It is OK to repeat week 1 several times and you will gain the endurance. Come on over to the c25k groups. Lots of support from folks just like you and me.

    Good Luck to you !! You can do this !!
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I failed at my first attempt at C25K so I started biking, a lot. After 8 weeks of riding 100 plus miles per week as hard as I could pedal I started running again. Very slow at first with 12 min. miles. Now, 2 months after I can run 10 miles at a crack in 9 min miles.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
  • Sibby123
    When I first started c25k, I struggled with the first week. I was and still am very slow. I was never a runner and didn't think I ever would. But I kept trying. And WOW, I am now on week 7. So I would say, give it another try.

    It is OK to repeat week 1 several times and you will gain the endurance. Come on over to the c25k groups. Lots of support from folks just like you and me.

    Good Luck to you !! You can do this !!

    Ah, I think I'll talk to the mrs! :) We can do it together
  • Sibby123
    I failed at my first attempt at C25K so I started biking, a lot. After 8 weeks of riding 100 plus miles per week as hard as I could pedal I started running again. Very slow at first with 12 min. miles. Now, 2 months after I can run 10 miles at a crack in 9 min miles.

    I can't be sitting on a bike my seat broke!!!
  • Sibby123
    I wish I could run right now but it would be killer on my ankles at 255lbs.

    I'm 252!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I just go faster than when I walk.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Just start slow mate and keep working at it. Running takes a lot of practice and time to get good at it! I started running when I was 300 pounds and it was very hard to stay motivated because I felt like I wasn't really running at all. Time went by and I strived to make every run just a little bit further than the one before it. Keep pushing. Make sure you set goals and break them often. Increase distance each time you run (even if it is just a little)! I also make my last 100 yards a sprint no matter what! It is really all about pushing yourself. You will see improvement
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    Gah, I did try c25k a while back but I couldn't even do the first level! I have joined a gym and I want to try and do it on the treadmill need to download it onto my phone, just wondered if maybe i'm too heavy? I'm on level 2 of 30day shred and my knees kill but I'm sticking at it :), spoke to doctor and I suggester exercise induced asthma but they just gimie an inhaler which don't work/

    I'm on C25K and loving it - the one thing I have heard is that if you truly are unathletic (like me) you should start the program at a slow jog and walk, do a couple of weeks getting faster each week, but repeating week 1's times. Then you will be able to breathe better when you're actually running.

    I had exercise-induced asthma when I was a kid up to early adult, and only getting fitter made it go away. I've still got lots of seasonal allergies, but my lungs don't hurt on exercising anymore.

    Good luck!!
  • Sibby123
    I can't even run for a minute tho I jus feel like a failure you know what I mean? :(
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Can I suggest treadmill, uphill, speed walking and gradually work up to a gentle jogging pace.

    It worked wonders for me.
  • Sibby123
    I can't even jog tho lol. I honestly cannot do anything like that. I think i'm going to try do c25k
  • Sibby123
    thank you :)