need some advice

krystalblue6172 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
:embarassed: How do I tone the saggy skin? My weight goal is 165 and I know if I don't do it while losing I will be left with it at the end.


  • Hey there.

    I have loose skin around my stomach/lower tummy area. I thought for sure I was doomed to have this flap for the rest of my life. I've lost close to 120lbs and didn't think the skin would go back to it's original state. It will probably never be like it once was, but I've really been doing a lot of AB work lately and believe it or not, it's helping. I've read a lot of articles on loose skin and one site said that increasing muscle mass in the areas might actually help pull the skin in a bit. I've been lifting weights as well and it is helping to fill out the loose skin on my arms as well.

    Depending how loose your skin is, how long you were overweight etc. It may NEVER be like it once was, and sometimes only surgery can correct it. However, another site said that it may take 1-2 years to firm up too.

    There's a good article around here somewhere, try doing a search for it. Hope this helps!!
  • Strength training and a good ab workout really helped me. I was the same way. So far I have lost 112 lbs and since I started strength training my skin has really toned up. I sill have a little sagging in my arms and tummy but I am going to do p90X and see if that helps.
  • Strength training and a good ab workout really helped me. I was the same way. So far I have lost 112 lbs and since I started strength training my skin has really toned up. I sill have a little sagging in my arms and tummy but I am going to do p90X and see if that helps.

    Awesome job on the weight loss!!!!! That's amazing. Do you find the loose skin is more in your lower or upper tummy??
  • thanks I need all the help I can get. I've only been doing this for almost 2 weeks and from my first try three years ago on my own I lost 70 pounds and had lots of saggy skin. Now that I gained 20 of that back since my year here in Florida I figure this may be my second chance to do it right. I probably sound stupid for saying this but what is p90X? :indifferent:
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