Need some motivation....please



  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    26 lbs is awesome. Please don't get discouraged, you are doing great. Life continues and all the detours we take on the journey to being healthy are worth it, in the long run. I always figure I gained it over years and it will take a while to lose it, but every time I make a choice that supports my health, I know I have already made myself successful. It's not all about the scale or the weight, it's about how we feel. I have more energy, my skin looks better, and I look younger since i changed my eating habits and started moving more. It has taken me since February 2011 until now to being close to 50lbs lost. I had plateaus, I let life get in the way sometimes, but here I am still finding my way to the best, healthiest person I can be, and I like the person I see looking back at me.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Joseph said:
    Sun 10/14/12 02:16 AM I go...........................For starters, take that profile pic down. Laying in a eazy chair, reclining sends the signal, that you'r not serious. If you are serious, which it sounds like you are, being you've lost 26 pounds, keep going. The things you've been hearing are affecting your mental, leaving you feeling sentimental, you gotta own up, no more rentals. Keep pushing, force yourself. Do it for you, not the girls in the office or the kids making comments, do it because that's the thing YOU want. If you want it, no one will take it from you. At least not without a big problem coming there way to as make it worthless to try and stop you, or deter you. I'm tired, sorry if I'm not making sense. I'm a new bee too, so wahat do I know, not much about the health stuff, just the human stuff.

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX may be a newbie here and not know much about the health stuff hun........but you got it goin on with this post. I needed that this morning..

  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Oh sweetie! I'm so sorry someone could be so mean! Get yourself some good music to listen to on your walks. Turn it up so you can't hear the bullying comments. Some people will never grow up! Can you go someplace different? Twenty six pounds is great! Keep it up! You can do it!!
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    OMG I can't believe people are harrassing you while you are walking! I mean I do believe you it's just so hard to comprehend people being so damn rude. Like someone else said, you are lapping all those people on the couch doing nothing and 26 lbs is nothing to be sneezed at, that's an awesome effort!
    Someone said this to me once and it was like a light bulb lit up in my head, I wish I had have heard it 10 years earlier - "No-one can make you feel bad unless you LET them!".
    Get out there and keep doing what you are doing, you're doing a fantastic job and the amount of weight you have already loss proves it! :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I just want to say- six months from now you will be thankful for every day you followed your new fitness plan. I have had the best fitness break thru ever this year and just celebrated my 54th birthday in a smaller size jean than i wore when i was 21!

    People will be people .. Having a plan to get healthy and constantly improve as part of your daily life is like having internal super powers over all the negativity in the world
  • Twiliightmoon
    people do what?? Ok I got better things to do that comment of people trying to be fit. You know what I say, "F***'em"

    Just do your own thing, just use your anger to fuel your workout.

    This is exactly what I do. Put on your headphones, ignore the comments. These people aren't worth it and have no clue what you have accomplished. Seriously, take pictures. I don't get on the scale very often, but I judge more on the way my clothes feel, or being able to work out harder and longer.
  • kersercar
    kersercar Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for your adivse....but the profile pic isnt me.....its a funny
    I appreciate your advise :)