Guess My Weight (Should I Lose Some More?)



  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    As long as we don't win her lost kilos/pounds as a prize it's all good!
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    Lol. I'll tell you how much I weigh on Monday because that's my weigh in day. :) I'm definitely thinking about toning my body, not bulking. My thighs are huge enough! I figured, when I lose the last 4 lbs, I'll start maintaining and toning.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Options this serious....?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You will not gain any significant muscle unless you eat at a decent sized calorie surplus and do intensive training,

    You do not need to lose weight and, to be honest, if youreally think your thighs are huge I would suggest you seek therapy (sorry, harsh but true).

    My advice: eat at slightly above maintenance and strength train 3 x a week.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I do feel a bit like these past couple of guess my weight threads are solely to pander to the egos of blatantly thin perfectly attractive girls who obviously do not need to lose any weight. I'm pretty sure they can see that for themselves. Are we really going to have thread after thread of people with body issues asking us to guess their weight now? Please say no.....
  • CanadianDot
    CanadianDot Posts: 93 Member
    I do feel a bit like these past couple of guess my weight threads are solely to pander to the egos of blatantly thin perfectly attractive girls who obviously do not need to lose any weight. I'm pretty sure they can see that for themselves. Are we really going to have thread after thread of people with body issues asking us to guess their weight now? Please say no.....

    Ahh, even pretty girls need to be told they're pretty by random strangers on the internet sometimes. :smile:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Just a quick warning: if you do lose the last 4lbs there is no guarantee they'll come off where you want them to! The faster I lose, the faster the boobs disappear, not my tummy.

    I don't think you have big thighs, but i can see, when looking at your whole body, why they might seem the biggest part to you, but please don't work at reaching your dream thighs to the detriment of the rest of your body.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You look like you weigh between 105 and 115. If you want to tone up your bum and thighs, I suggest doing some pop-pilates or start jogging if you're not already.

    I don't think you need to lose anymore weight TBH. If you lose more weight, you might end up really damaging your health.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Options guess is 100 lbs?

    No, I don't think you should lose anymore weight. You're very thin.
  • smiling_sushi
    smiling_sushi Posts: 46 Member
    If you want to firm up your body, you're going to have to lift heavy. With a barbell. Squat, deadlift, bench press, all of that kind of stuff. And no, you won't end up looking like a manly bodybuilder, that's a silly myth. Check this site out if you don't believe me:

    For a weight lifting program, I would look at either Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women. Both are great, progressive programs that will get you that "toned" look that you desire.
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    According to my very old analog scale....I'm 104 lbs.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    According to my very old analog scale....I'm 104 lbs.

    huh. i was going to update my guess to that actually, but didn't. i figured when you said you wanted to lose 4 more pounds, it was to get to a round number of 100.

    don't do it! you're already very thin! I know that BMI isn't always an indicator, but in this case I think that should be your clue that you don't need to lose any more weight. At 5'4", 108 pounds is the minimum you should be. At my lightest, I was probably around the same as what you are and the same height and I didn't want to lose weight.
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    Not sure if my scale is accurate. Again, it's old. I had this scale at least 5-10 years, so it may possible that I weigh more than 104 lbs which was another reason I wanted to post this thread. :)
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Not sure if my scale is accurate. Again, it's old. I had this scale at least 5-10 years, so it may possible that I weigh more than 104 lbs which was another reason I wanted to post this thread. :)

    I could believe 104 based on your pics and comparing to myself when I was that weight and the same height. Could you find another scale? I usually compare my weight between my home scale and my gym scale. That's going to be more accurate than any of our guesses.

    You could also weigh less if your scale is wrong.
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I think you look great and shouldn't lose any more!

    Great firming exercises for buttocks and thighs are squats and lounges. Lots of those will firm up just about anybody LOL

    Take care! =)
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    You know you don't need to lose more.
  • maritza140
    No you don't need to loose anymore weight. If you want firmer legs you have to do strength training which will probably make you gain a couple of pounds in all the right places because it will be muscle which is what you want to develop for toning
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Definitely shld not lose anymore weight; you look just fine :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I would suggest adding 10-20 lbs of muscle. This is tighten up your body. Below is what I mean. Right now, at best, you can hope to have 80 lbs of lean body mass which is pretty small. Aiming to have 100-110 lbs of lean body mass means a much tighter body, greater definition, the ability to eat a lot more calories, a stronger immune system, better insulin control and a much healthier lifestyle, which is what you want according to your profile. The second link is a more extreme case of what happens when you eat 3000-4000 calories and lift a lot, but as both cases demonstrate, gaining muscle makes for a leaner and tighter body.