Cheat Foods

After eating super clean and hitting the gym four days a week for five weeks, I went home for Thanksgiving. I decided to give myself a cheat weekend and eat the junk I wanted in moderation and not feel too guilty. Only to find that every single cheat item, except for the wine and vodka, tasted like the junk it is. Disappointing, yes, to have wasted so many calories on something not worth eating, but what an eye opener. I am so glad I gave myself the chance to eat food I thought I was missing out on, because now I know I'm not missing anything. I also felt like complete crap the whole weekend, which I definitely attribute to the junk I was eating. Gained two pounds, but easily lost them over this week.

I feel like that's a major step on the road to making this a lifestyle and not just a diet, woo!


  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. Hubby and I went out for a drink and a curry last night. I only drank a couple of wine and sodas, then went for our meal. I did enjoy it but through the night I felt really bloated and my heart was racing...and I've got a headache today. Just had a smoothy hangover cure ie orange (frshly squeezed) strawberries, banana and low fat yougurt whizzed up in a blender, so I feel a bit better now. Like you say, we aren't missing anything by eating clean and ditching the alcohol! It's good to know isn't it? :)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Most days I stay away from processed and fatty foods. When I visit my family around the holidays, my mom and/or dad bake delicious homemade bread. They now make it half whole wheat for me. I try to stick to 100% whole grain but their bread cant be beat. They make homemade preserves on the farm and it goes perfect with the bread. That is one splurge I look forward to... Some things are worth busting my butt at the gym.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    you need to find some tastier junk food ;)
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    I don't eat bread, mostly just potatoes and occasionally some rice or something. I was never a big sandwich or toast person, so it was pretty easy to just cut out completely. The crap I was eating was like calamari, which I guess is like a double edged sword, cause it was an all time fave, and it just wasn't the same. I'm sad it doesn't taste good anymore, but I really don't ever need to eat deep fried anything, so its good. I had mac and cheese at a restaurant and only ate like...1/4 of it cause it was way too heavy and just tasted bland. Definitely not worth it. I was surprised at the pumpkin pie though, tasted completely different, in a really good way. I never noticed all of the spices and how much flavour there is, instead of the pie just being there to pile whipped cream on.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    The same thing happens to me lol. I actually prefer dark chocolate dipped in all natural peanut butter over my lifetime love, Reese Peanut Butter cups. Completely heartbreaking lol

    And if I do more than a cheat meal, like a weekend or a week of putting crap in my body, I feel HORRIBLE. Drained and sick and 90 years old lol.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    I've been through something similar, OP. I used to LOOOOOVE Kraft mac n cheese. Totally my long-time comfort food. But, after going months without it and eating reasonably clean, I decided to have it again. And ya know what? It tasted like CARDBOARD. I was really pretty disappointed, because I'd been looking forward to having it again... but it was like, oh my goodness... this is gross...

    Showed me I can develop a taste for whatever I want to have a taste for, really... and the junky foods? Yeah, not missin' 'em so much these days.
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    The same thing happens to me lol. I actually prefer dark chocolate dipped in all natural peanut butter over my lifetime love, Reese Peanut Butter cups. Completely heartbreaking lol

    And if I do more than a cheat meal, like a weekend or a week of putting crap in my body, I feel HORRIBLE. Drained and sick and 90 years old lol.

    I'm not quite on the dark chocolate bandwagon, but I'm sure after another month or two I'll be there! haha.

    I laid in bed after the second day, and I thought I was dieing. Probably the worst I've felt in as long as I can remember. Even worse because I knew it was completely self induced.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm not really a clean eater and haven't exactly had the experiences you have had.

    But I don't eat red meat anymore, haven't for months. When I went home for the long weekend (Not Thanksgiving BC I'm in the states) my Dad took as for a wicked nice steak dinner with a gift card he got from a client, I'm not a vegetarian I just choose not to eat red meat or pork but I figured at a world famous steak house I should have a small 6 OZ steak.

    It was OKAY (and being world famous steak and ridiculously expensive I'd say a normal person would think it was more then okay) but I paid for it DEARLY after. I was SO SO SO sick all night.

    I think out bodies adjust to different diets and once we go back to eating something super high fat or something that contains things we don't normally eat we don't digest it very well.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Same here. I feel sluggish, bloated and sick after eating something I wouldnt consider "healthy". If I extremely go over my calories like 1000 calories or eat white sugar, my heart beats like crazy. I am not sure if it's just psychological or real or related to my hypoglycemia but I dont want to get out of the bed the next day. I feel like a hangover.
  • you need to find some tastier junk food ;)

    hear hear lol
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    I've been through something similar, OP. I used to LOOOOOVE Kraft mac n cheese. Totally my long-time comfort food. But, after going months without it and eating reasonably clean, I decided to have it again. And ya know what? It tasted like CARDBOARD. I was really pretty disappointed, because I'd been looking forward to having it again... but it was like, oh my goodness... this is gross...

    Showed me I can develop a taste for whatever I want to have a taste for, really... and the junky foods? Yeah, not missin' 'em so much these days.

    When I was 18 I went backpacking in Australia, I was meeting a couple friends who had been there for a couple of months before me, and they made me bring a CASE of Kraft Dinner with me.

    And I agree, I really liked the white cheddar one, and it just doesn't taste the same anymore. Although I can't say I'm sad about not sitting down and cramming a box of that crap into my body. I switched to the "vegetable" one a while ago, because if its made with veggies, its healthy, right? Grosss, can't even look at the stuff anymore.
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    you need to find some tastier junk food ;)

    hear hear lol

    I still have a Family Size Toffee Dairy Milk in my fridge. Not everything tastes like crap! haha.
  • valerieknox
    valerieknox Posts: 45 Member
    I haven't really experienced that junk food stops to taste good, I do feel like I've learned an automatic moderation, and I feel full quicker. Before I would chug a whole packet of chocolate really quickly without thinking. Now I eat slower, and therefore have smaller portions. Unhealthy sweets still bring me a lot of happiness and I don't really feel like I have to eat "clean", as long as I also eat veggies and fruits filled with vitamins.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Same here. I feel sluggish, bloated and sick after eating something I wouldnt consider "healthy". If I extremely go over my calories like 1000 calories or eat white sugar, my heart beats like crazy. I am not sure if it's just psychological or real or related to my hypoglycemia but I dont want to get out of the bed the next day. I feel like a hangover.

    Do you know what your hypoglycemia is caused from? Some people have rebound effects from eating too much sugar and then their bodies create too much insulin causing them to be low.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    you need to find some tastier junk food ;)

    hear hear lol

    I still have a Family Size Toffee Dairy Milk in my fridge. Not everything tastes like crap! haha.

    So, I imagined toffee flavored milk and thought I have never heard of that... Google says it is a candy bar lol
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Do you know what your hypoglycemia is caused from? Some people have rebound effects from eating too much sugar and then their bodies create too much insulin causing them to be low.

    Yes that's it. I had an OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) which diagnosed me with hypoglycemia. But I cant handle junk food, white sugar, white flour. I cant handle too much fructose either.
  • am12341
    am12341 Posts: 23
    you need to find some tastier junk food ;)

    hear hear lol

    I still have a Family Size Toffee Dairy Milk in my fridge. Not everything tastes like crap! haha.

    So, I imagined toffee flavored milk and thought I have never heard of that... Google says it is a candy bar lol

    LOL! Yes. Milk chocolate with little bits of toffee. I can only eat like two or three squares a day though. I just don't think dark chocolate will ever do it for me like milk chocolate does.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this phenomenom. I used to be a diet soda junkie. I'd have one with lunch and sometimes two with dinner, and used to think cutting out pasta was UNHEARD OF. Now, I can't remember the last time I had soda. When I do, it just tastes like crappy seltzer water. And I find myself craving my salad at lunch, and not the lazy/crappy pasta dishes I used to live on.
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