After hour meals...

I am confused, at what time should I stop eating at night. I know there is a certain time at night that you should not eat because you are less active. My only problem is my boyfriend works late so we have really late dinners (he works till 11 at night). So what time should I stop consuming food?


  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Unless you have some medical reason, heart burn, upset stomach, something that interferes with your sleep, it does not matter.
  • JraeL91
    JraeL91 Posts: 38
    It all depends on when your day begins. When my husband is on swing shift my day doesn't start until 0900-10 a.m. and ends at around 1 a.m. Considering the body experiences a 6-8 hr fast when we sleep it's usually recommended to have a non-processed food as a late night snack 4-6 hrs before bed. But honestly it's up to you, and what goals you're wanting to reach.