Crossfit is too expensive.

emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
Looks good, can't afford it.


  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    ...Do you have a floor?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Whether or not you personally can afford a particular thing surely can't be the entire rationale of if it's priced correctly, can it?
  • TiffanySuscheck
    TiffanySuscheck Posts: 123 Member
    Why did you make this post? You will either spend your money on this or you won't. Complete strangers shouldn't be able to sway you in your financial choices.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Damn! Look at you! WOW!!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    OH my!
  • TheJarv
    TheJarv Posts: 30 Member
    Why did you make this post? You will either spend your money on this or you won't. Complete strangers shouldn't be able to sway you in your financial choices.

    What she said.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    ...Do you have a floor?

    What does that mean?
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    look for a groupon and try it for awhile. its addicting. i never thought i would be willing to spend $125/mo on a gym.

    meanwhile download WOD generator app. its amazing and iwll give you a cf workout with whatever equipment you say you have available and has videos if you don't know any of the moves.
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    ...Do you have a floor?

    What does that mean?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Crossfit is simply the method of exercising involving HIIT training and strength training so as to get a full body workout and increase strength, speed, and endurance. So, can't this all be done on a flat surface using various bodyweight exercises? Or do you specifically need to go to a Crossfit dedicated gym?
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    There are a gazillion ways to work out -- there's always another way that is affordable. Don't let $ hold you back. But if you really like the looks of Crossfit, do an online search for "crossfit at home". You can do Crossfit-esque workouts without spending a penny.
  • cmoreci
    Crossfit is pricey but in my opinion totally worth it. I can go every day of the week as many times as i would like and each time I go I work out with a trainer. If I were to train at a gym with a trainer I would be spending WAAY more money then I do now. And yes you can do crossfit workouts at home but for me it's not about the workout, but having a trainer there to push me harder than I would ever push myself. He is also making sure I have correct form so I don't hurt myself. Most gyms let you do a week free of charge so you could try it out and decide if it's worth fitting into your budget.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    look for a groupon and try it for awhile. its addicting. i never thought i would be willing to spend $125/mo on a gym.

    meanwhile download WOD generator app. its amazing and iwll give you a cf workout with whatever equipment you say you have available and has videos if you don't know any of the moves.

    They have groupon offerings all the time in my town.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Crossfit is simply the method of exercising involving HIIT training and strength training so as to get a full body workout and increase strength, speed, and endurance. So, can't this all be done on a flat surface using various bodyweight exercises? Or do you specifically need to go to a Crossfit dedicated gym?
    That's right. Many many people do it at home or at another gym.
    For me, I didn't want to invest in the equipment needed for the heavier lifts, nor do I have a really good space to store it or to do that kind of lifting, and I like (ok, need) the motivation of a trainer and group to give my full effort since lifting isn't something I really enjoy. It's really nice to have all the different kinds of equipment available in one place, and a nice huge space to lift and run around.

    But if I had to make it work, if someday I can't afford the monthly fees, I could join a cheaper gym and lift there, and do the more cardio-esque parts (kettlebell, pushups for time, etc.) at home.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Crossfit is pricey but in my opinion totally worth it. I can go every day of the week as many times as i would like and each time I go I work out with a trainer. If I were to train at a gym with a trainer I would be spending WAAY more money then I do now.
    Totally. At my old gym the trainers were like $90/hour (and the free session I got when I joined was just AWFUL; the guy actually said at one point, not joking, "huh, you are in pretty good shape; I'm not sure what to do with you." -- I was utterly weak at the time! but I had good cardio endurance... they also said "we show the women how to use the machines b/c the free weights aren't as safe for you."). So paying $15/class doesn't seem so bad to me now! I also used to pay I think $10/class for Spinning and $10-$15/class for yoga when I used to do those once in a while.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    look around your area. different boxes charge different prices.

    i found a box a few blocks away from me that's part of small indoor rock climbing gym and it's only $65 a month and i get the rock climbing as well as classes like yoga :happy:

    also part of the additional expense is hopefully because of the personal attention you'd be getting during your WOD. i know this isnt always the case because it would all depend on how big your class size is .

    also doing crossfit at home isn't quite the same since one of the main aspect of the WOD is doing it in a group setting. that way you have the motivation of other people cheering you on. plus in some of the workouts it's impossible to count your reps and track your time and do your workout at the same time, so at the very least you'd need a partner to really get the crossfit feel; at least for some of the workouts
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    also part of the additional expense is hopefully because of the personal attention you'd be getting during your WOD. i know this isnt always the case because it would all depend on how big your class size is .
    Good point. We rarely have more than 3-5 people per trainer. When a class starts getting crowded, they add another t the schedule. If there were 20 of us and 1 trainer I would no longer be willing to pay $15/hour.
    also doing crossfit at home isn't quite the same since one of the main aspect of the WOD is doing it in a group setting. that way you have the motivation of other people cheering you on. plus in some of the workouts it's impossible to count your reps and track your time and do your workout at the same time, so at the very least you'd need a partner to really get the crossfit feel; at least for some of the workouts
    I don't know; I can't think of any of them that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own (if I had the space and equipment). At home I've used a free timer app on the iphone or ipod to keep track; it wasn't hard. It just depends on your personality. I KNOW I slack off w/o witnesses, but plenty of people are capable of pushing themselves through a challenging weight workout solo. I personally have no problem pushing myself through a running workout.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Good point. We rarely have more than 3-5 people per trainer. When a class starts getting crowded, they add another t the schedule. If there were 20 of us and 1 trainer I would no longer be willing to pay $15/hour.
    there are about 5 crossfit boxes near me and i checked them all out. i went to 1 that was a horror show because it was so crowded and 1 instructor. this is was one of the more popular boxes in the area mostly because it shows up first on the google search i think. i definitely didnt want to join that one.

    so OP, definitely ask to view a crossfit class at a box you might join at the times you might go to see what they are like.

    I don't know; I can't think of any of them that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own (if I had the space and equipment). At home I've used a free timer app on the iphone or ipod to keep track; it wasn't hard. It just depends on your personality. I KNOW I slack off w/o witnesses, but plenty of people are capable of pushing themselves through a challenging weight workout solo. I personally have no problem pushing myself through a running workout.
    ever done fight gone bad? :laugh: i cant imagine having to count my own reps while doing that routine especially since you cant stop between exercises to write down your counts.

    the one thing i was thinking about doing if i wouldnt have found this box i joined was to put a sign up in the gym to look for a partner who'd want to do crossfit WOD together.

    also let's not forget the eye candy. i think the hot guys are worth $5 a class :laugh:
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    ever done fight gone bad?
    LOL sad to say my reps aren't so high that I couldn't keep track probably if I had to. I guess I'd just have a notepad handy and scribble then number real quick between sets.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Crossfit is free. They post the WODs on their website with videos and examples. They also have tons of modifications and things you can do without much equipment. Crossfit brandx posts the main site wods daily with scaling options if need be.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Situation: Low monetary balance

    Steps: Use body resistance, push ups, pull ups, use your environment.

    I use my stairs for pushups and tricep dips.

    You dont NEED a gym to get fit.