On no longer having that overstuffed feeling

What I mean is, that feeling you have where you just overdid it and your stomach feels like it is going to burst, your eyelids feel heavy, and all you want to do is go home and sleep it off.

I think I might be enjoying eating out more since I started this project 3 months ago. Except for one time in early September when my brothers took me to a deli in my home state known for over the top huge deli sandwiches, I haven't overstuffed myself. I am actually slowing down and tasting the foods I allow myself to eat, rather than just shoveling it down. Back in the day, that was a weekly, at times daily habit.


  • JSheehy1965
    I love that feeling of having a good meal, but not leaving feeling overstuffed. My husband took me out for dinner Friday night, and I enjoyed the most tender 6oz sirloin steak with blue cheese crumbles and mushrooms, with a grilled tomato and broccoli. It was so delicious and didn't give me that bloated - I-need-to-sleep-on-my-back-to-give-my-stomach-room feeling. That's a good feeling to have.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    That's awesome that you've over came that! I still do that once in awhile and I hate that feeling. You are doing awesome! keep it up! good luck! Just remember you can do this if you want it bad enough!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I've always overstuffed myself as well because I would let myself get so hungry I would order (and eat) everything in sight. I've finally realized that I can eat a single plate and be filled. I don't have to eat until I'm stuffed, then be uncomfortable for the rest of the day. Its a learning process to know how much you truely need to eat as opposed to how much you think you want to eat.
  • martintanz
    . Its a learning process to know how much you truely need to eat as opposed to how much you think you want to eat.

    My grandmother used to say I had big eyes. Apparently even as a kid, I took big portions.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I ate 1200 calories today and I feel like garbage. Overstuffed as hell. I don't think I should feel like that, but I do. It sucks. (my day started at 11 PM last night)