Logging Calories Burned??

DucPilot Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone, got a stupid question to ask. I am trying to get back into the practice of logging all my eating AND excercising here on this site. I'm not sure, though, exactly what I should log as it relates to calories burned when doing cardio workouts. I have a heart rate monitor watch which I use to tell me how many calories I burn. easy enough. BUT, should i record that number or should I subtract out my basic caloric burn to show just the incremental calories burned? For example, if my "resting" caloric burn rate is an average of 100 calories an hour and I do a workout that, according to the watch, burned 700 calories, should I record the 700 burned or the 600 that is the difference between the 700 and the 100 I would have burned by doing nothing? Thanks!


  • I purchased the body bugg and it truly tells what you are burning... so worth the $ if you have it. It come with 6 months on computer access...which is all I think I will need. I already know if I sit on my BUTT then I don't burn calories! We went out late last night and I slept in till 9:30 and it is the first day in 2 weeks I did not burn my calorie goal.. I ate less to make up for it but I also noted I sat a lot today because tired from being up late and I burned nothing!

    Good luck.
  • Thanks for the tip, I'll have to take a look at that device!
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